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10 Tips to Relieve Sciatica

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Are you sure it's sciatica?

Are you sure it's sciatica?

If it is a pain that goes down the buttock, the leg and even reaches the foot, it may be sciatica. In that case, read on and find out what you can do to ease the pain and avoid suffering it again …

Just when it appears apply cold

Just when it appears apply cold

Put ice or cold compresses on the area for 20 minutes. Do it every 2 hours and for a couple of days.

Do not self-medicate

Do not self-medicate

And consult with the doctor. He may prescribe anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, or muscle relaxers.

Slow down …

Slow down …

… but don't stop. Complete rest delays recovery. You just have to avoid making efforts.

Don't stretch

Don't stretch

Despite what you read online, Dr. Villas Tomé - a specialist in Spinal Column Pathology - strongly discourages it.

Go to the heat

Go to the heat

If you have been ill for a few days, take a hot water bottle or an electric blanket and put it on the affected area.

Keep me from coming back with exercise

Keep me from coming back with exercise

When you are not in pain, do exercises to strengthen your abs and back muscles. And although we have always heard that swimming is good for the back, if you do not master the technique, you could make a bad gesture and aggravate your injury. There are also specific exercises to relieve low back pain.

Take care of your posture

Take care of your posture

When you walk, distribute the weight between both feet, keep your chin parallel to the ground and your back aligned. When standing, switch support from one foot to the other frequently or, if you can, use a footrest. When sitting, make sure your back is against the backrest and your chin is at a right angle.

Sleep on your side

Sleep on your side

Avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you sleep on your back, put a cushion under your knees. And if you sleep on your side, do it better on the left and with your legs slightly bent.

3 natural remedies

3 natural remedies

Include turmeric in your diet –in high-concentration capsules it can match ibuprofen–; the pepper - in Cream can help reduce pain and decrease inflammation - ; and vitamin B, which helps you recover earlier and strengthen the nerves in your back.

Talking on the phone, watching television in any way …

Talking on the phone, watching television in any way …

These habits and many more harm your bones. Discover the small gestures that you do every day that damage your back …

"Getting stuck" is a more common situation than we might believe: bad habits, stress and the desire to try to get to everything make us work more than necessary. If we add to this the gym, long hours in the office and poor posture, the result can be disastrous. If you have suffered an episode of sciatica, you know what we are talking about …

So that it does not happen to you again or so that you can prevent it from happening to you, we have selected some tips and tricks that you can follow yourself at home. But first of all … is it sure it's sciatica?

It is a very characteristic pain because it goes down the buttock, the leg and can reach the foot. You may even notice an intense sting or a burning that is intensifying.

How to prevent sciatica: watch your posture

The posture in which you sit to work, ride the subway or eat has a direct influence on your back. Always sit with your back against the backrest and your chin at a right angle. At bedtime, avoid doing it on your stomach and, if you sleep on your back, put a cushion under your knees. If you ask us, we will tell you that the best position to sleep is on the side - better if it is on the left - and with the legs slightly bent.

As you walk, distribute your weight between your two feet and bring your chin parallel to the ground, with your back aligned. When you are standing, change your support from one foot to the other frequently.

Sport is also a great ally: the stronger your muscles are, the more stable and strong your bones will be.

What to do when it appears

First of all apply cold. Do it for 20 minutes and repeat every 2 hours for a couple of days. Do not self-medicate and go to the doctor. They may prescribe anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, or muscle relaxants.

During the time you have pain, avoid playing any sport, but do not rest completely. You must slow down, but if you do nothing and stay "stopped" for many days, the only thing you will achieve is to delay your recovery. Of course, avoid great efforts.