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Are you stressed? don't eat these foods ...

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Be careful with the sweets

Be careful with the sweets

They contain a lot of sugar and this does not suit you because it increases the level of sugar in the blood suddenly. But when it goes down, you feel tired, irritable and looking for more sweets, more sugar. If the cycle continues, the adrenal glands suffer and a state of constant anxiety known as sugar blues or sugar depression can occur . Avoid the sweet tooth with these tricks.

If you peck cheese …

If you peck cheese …

Cheese, especially cured cheese, is one of the foods that contains the most salt. And salt increases your anxiety, because it contains sodium that, consumed in excess, reduces potassium reserves, a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Do you want to eat without getting fat? Get inspired by these ideas.

Spicy sausages

Spicy sausages

People who are easily stressed may have digestive problems. So as much as you like chorizo ​​and hot peppers or Mexican tacos, avoid them. Spicy food can affect you if you suffer from heartburn. Therefore, if you tend to have gastritis, difficult digestion due to stress or you always feel bloated, avoid the spicy.

Don't go overboard with the coffee

Don't go overboard with the coffee

It is a stimulating drink and therefore can increase your stress, especially if it is mixed with a lot of sugar, the same as energy drinks. Limit it to a maximum of two cups a day, maximum three. Discover things about coffee that you may not have known.

Do you go for peanuts?

Do you go for peanuts?

Fried with honey and salty, they satisfy our palate like few foods, which makes them "addictive". But they are very fatty and salty, a combination that stresses you out. And that the natural peanut is an anti-stress ally due to its tryptophan levels.

A bag of chips

A bag of chips

Potato chips can be made with saturated fat, a type of fat that influences the secretion of serotonin, the happiness hormone. In addition, it is a very salty food, which also affects the nervous system. Discover the slimming power of serotonin, you will love it!

Fast food burger

Fast food burger

The problem is not the hamburger, because if you make it homemade with a lean meat and little salt, it is healthy. The bad thing is to accompany it with cheese, bacon, sauces … The saturated fats in fast food alter the production of serotonin, the well-being hormone, and negatively affect your nerves.

The second glass of wine

The second glass of wine

Wine is an antioxidant and alcohol has a depressant action on the nervous system that we might believe to combat stress. But… have just one drink. Overdoing it causes more fatigue, mood swings and dependency (and hangover, of course). Not to mention the hidden calories in alcohol … It is better to drink wine than spirits since it has a lower alcohol content and, therefore, less effect on your nerves.

Your kingdom for a bun!

Your kingdom for a bun!

A bun contains sugar, refined flours, fat and more salt than you think, very bad travel companions if you have stress, since as we have seen, they only increase your nervousness and your anxiety to eat.

Sugar free candies

Sugar free candies

They do not contain sugar but they do contain sweeteners, which can affect your nerves. Like aspartame, a sweetener that if abused is believed to overstimulate the adrenal glands and cause stress.

There are foods that instead of calming you down, make you more nervous and should not be eaten if you are stressed or anxious. To make everything easier for you, we have selected 10 foods that you should avoid when you have the "pecking attack" since the only thing you will get is to be more hungry.

Beware of the sweet

Sweets, candies or industrial buns contain a lot of sugar and this does not suit you because it increases the level of sugar in the blood suddenly. But when it goes down, you feel tired, irritable and looking for more candy, more sugar. If the cycle continues, it can lead to a constant state of anxiety known as sugar blues or sugar depression.

Perhaps you are easily fooled by sugar-free candies but be careful because although they do not contain sugar, they do contain sweeteners such as aspartame, which can affect your nerves.

If you would give your kingdom for a bun, be careful because a bun contains sugar, refined flours, fats and more salt than you think, very bad travel companions if you have stress, since as we have seen, they only increase your nervousness and anxiety to eat.

If you like to peck …

If you are one of those who cannot resist snacking between meals and cheese is one of your favorite sins, you should know that it is one of the foods that contains more salt (especially curing). And salt increases your anxiety, because it contains sodium that, consumed in excess, reduces potassium reserves, a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Or maybe you are more of peanuts? Savory and honey fries are satisfying "addictive" but very fatty and salty, a combination that stresses you out. It is better that you opt for natural peanuts. The same goes for chip potatoes. They are very salty so they affect your nervous system and the saturated fats they contain, influence the secretion of serotonin, the happiness hormone.

Coffee, wine …?

Coffee is a stimulating drink and therefore it can raise your stress, especially if it is mixed with a lot of sugar, the same as energy drinks. Limit it to a maximum of two cups a day, maximum three. If you like wine, do not have more than one glass because too much causes fatigue, mood swings and dependency.

Watch your menu

We are very much in favor of indulging ourselves from time to time but if you would kill for a hamburger, avoid fast food at all costs. The problem is not the burger itself but all the extra sides. Saturated fats in fast food alter the production of serotonin, the wellness hormone, and negatively affect your nerves. Better make it homemade, you'll see what a difference!

And if you have digestive problems, you should keep spicy sausages like chorizo ​​or foods like peppers out of your sight. Spicy food can affect you if you suffer from heartburn. Therefore, if you tend to have gastritis, difficult digestions due to stress or you always feel bloated, avoid the spicy.