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10 Foods You Should Avoid During Quarantine

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Yesterday I heard a very funny WhatsApp audio of a woman laughing because she had heard a supermarket cashier say "but let's see, what happens to you, if diabetes and cholesterol are going to kill you sooner than the coronavirus of everything you are buying".

We are all the same, living this situation with anxiety, buying too much and eating too much. And it is very normal and understandable to suffer that anxiety right now and calm it by eating. Our brain is restless with so much change and also with the news that bombards us 24 hours a day.

Beat the anxiety to eat

We can curb that anxiety through eating. How? avoiding those foods that are going to put you more on your nerves. We tell you what they are so that on your next shopping trip you can avoid them:

  1. Cheese. Cheese, especially cured cheese, is one of the foods that contains the most salt. And salt increases your anxiety, because it contains sodium that, consumed in excess, reduces potassium reserves, a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the nervous system. And also, it is very easy to make "pop" with the cheese and there is no stop. Buy fresh and tender cheese and limit the quantities.
  2. Sweets. They only give you sugar and they do it all at once. The system reacts by secreting insulin to control the sugar surge. Which makes this wave go down and you get that hunger again that is not hunger but that pushes you to continue eating more sugar. If this cycle continues (sweets, lows, more sweets) a constant state of anxiety known as sugar depression can occur. Do yourself a favor and avoid the candy aisles at the grocery store.
  3. Came. Alcohol has a depressant action on the nervous system that we might think combats stress … but if you overdo it, it causes more fatigue, mood swings and dependency (and hangover, of course). Not to mention the hidden calories in alcohol …
  4. The coffee. An essential basic to start the day with energy, but during this quarantine period, do not overdo it. It can trigger your anxiety and it doesn't suit you. Limit it to a maximum of two cups a day. By the way, to sweeten it, do it like this.
  5. Potato chips. Potato chips can be made with saturated fat, a type of fat that inhibits the secretion of serotonin, the happiness hormone. In addition, it is a very salty food, which also affects the nervous system. If you fancy potatoes, let them be homemade and baked. Delicious!
  6. Pastries. A bun contains sugar, refined flour, fat and more salt than you think, we are the perfect combination to increase your nervousness and your anxiety to eat.
  7. Ultra-processed in general. In these days of confinement, the best recommendation is to bet on real food and good processed foods. They are your best allies to cope with the anxiety caused by the confinement. Not only do they provide you with the nutrients your body needs, but they also help you spend a little more time in the kitchen, which can be relaxing and therapeutic.
  8. Spicy sausages. People who are easily stressed can have digestive problems. Spicy food can affect you if you suffer from heartburn. Therefore, if you tend to have gastritis, difficult digestion due to stress or you always feel bloated, avoid the spicy in these days of confinement.
  9. Go for peanuts? Fried, with honey and salty, the perfect mix to take you to the heaven of flavors, but also to become something tremendously addictive and stressful for your central nervous system. Better opt for natural nuts that will help you be calmer since they contain tryptophan.
  10. Sugar-free candies. They do not contain sugar but they do contain sweeteners, which can affect your nerves. Like aspartame, a sweetener that if abused is believed to overstimulate the adrenal glands and cause stress.

And don't worry, no guilt. With the one that is falling, nothing happens to have a very rich wine and cheese (but not every day). We just want to help you take care of yourself a little more but without making your life bitter. Courage that # tambientopasá and # todosalrábien.