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How to be happy: tricks to be a more positive person

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It depends on you

It depends on you

You decide how you want to see life: positively or negatively. According to experts, a large percentage of our character only depends on us, on our attitude to what happens to us. Here are all the keys to get the best out of it in the most positive way possible.

The happier, the healthier

The happier, the healthier

Checked! Studies show that being positive not only helps reduce stress and anxiety, but also strengthens your health.

Changing your thoughts is possible

Changing your thoughts is possible

Yes, as you read it. You can learn to think positive thoughts and face life optimistically. And here are some tactics.

Look for the white in the black

Look for the white in the black

In everything that happens to us, there are positive and negative aspects. The trick is to look for the positive even the negative. Even the worst criticism can be constructive.

Focus on the solution

Focus on the solution

Do not eat the coconut going over and over the problems, focus on finding the solution and planning the steps that lead to it. It will help you get away from negative thinking and push you to act, instead of keeping you rooted in the complaint.

Pay attention to the nuances

Pay attention to the nuances

Avoid extremism, or what is the same, all or nothing. Things are not just one color; between both extremes there are many nuances. Think of all the possible results that can occur between the best and the worst that can happen, and you will see that it is not as dramatic as you think.

Do not blame yourself

Do not blame yourself

One of the most common mistakes is being tempted to feel responsible for all ills. If someone does not greet you, for example, it does not mean that they are against you. Maybe he's just distracted or having a bad day.

Flee from the complaint

Flee from the complaint

Constant complaining strengthens negative thinking and pushes you to the dark side. The key is to change negative thoughts for positive ones even when speaking. Everything can be formulated in a positive way; the more you practice the easier it will be to do it.

Visualize future achievements

Visualize future achievements

Something as simple as imagining yourself achieving your goals will make you feel better to face the effort they require. And on the rebound it will make you feel much more confident about yourself.

Feed on positive emotions

Feed on positive emotions

If you stay upbeat and upbeat, it will be much easier for you to think positively. To achieve this, do the things that you like and that make you enjoy life. And at night, recall them in great detail to remember that life is full of good things.

And surround yourself with positive people!

And surround yourself with positive people!

Optimism and pessimism is as contagious as laughter or yawning. Try to surround yourself with positive people. Flee, as far as possible, from negatives. And when you cannot avoid it, observe them with distance and good humor so that they do not color you with their negativity.

You decide how you want to see life: positively or negatively. According to psychiatrists and psychologists, 50% of our character is determined by genetic factors; and 10%, due to our environment, but there is 40% that only depends on us, on our attitude to what happens to us. It is this 40% that we must work to see the world positively and that this helps us to be happier and, even, to live longer years with better health.

Be happier and healthier on top

It may surprise you, but being positive not only helps reduce stress and anxiety, it also protects your health. According to a study from University College London, staying positive is related to having a strong immune system and therefore fewer neuroendocrine, inflammatory and cardiovascular problems.

Good news: changing your thoughts changes your life!

Having positive thoughts and facing life optimistically is essential to be happy. And it is something that can be "learned". You can change your way of thinking and thereby improve your life. To achieve this we propose some tips and tricks that will help you see the world with more optimism.

Look for the good side

In most situations, both positive and negative aspects converge. Put the focus on extracting the positive even from the negative things, on finding something good in adversity. For example, there is no doubt that receiving a negative review does not like anyone. But in the face of criticism, you can choose to think that you did not deserve it and that all they wanted was to hurt you, or reflect on what they have told you and, if you think there may be some truth in it, see how you can improve.

Focus on the solution

Every time you find yourself in a difficult situation, instead of thinking about the problem, which will lead you nowhere but to despair, focus on finding a solution and trying to define the steps that will allow you to reach it. This will help you to let go of negative thinking and immobility. In general, setting goals (as long as they are realistic) gives us a more positive outlook on life and prompts us to keep going. If the problem or what worries you is something that you cannot change, try to accept it and accept that life is sometimes that “unfair”. There is no point in wasting your energy worrying. Thinking about it continually will only frustrate you even more.

Discover the gray

Avoid polarized thinking, that is, all or nothing. Things are not just black or white; between both extremes there are many shades of gray. Instead of just thinking of two outcomes (one positive and one negative), make a list of all the possible outcomes that can occur between the two. This will help you realize that the situation is not so dramatic.

You are not guilty of everything

On the other hand, you should also avoid personalizing to the point of thinking that you are responsible for everything that goes wrong. If your neighbor does not greet you in the elevator it does not mean that she is upset with you, she is probably having a bad day.

Complaining doesn't help

The constant complaint strengthens the chain of harmful thoughts. If we think in destructive or negative terms, we end up making them come true. Your goal should be to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and that should also show in your language. Replace expressions such as "I was wrong" with others such as "I have learned that" or "if I do not pass the job interview, I will not be able to pay the house" for "I am confident in my abilities to get this job." Everything can be formulated in a positive way; the more you practice the easier it will be to do it.

Visualize future achievements

The simple fact of imagining yourself achieving what you want (reaching the end of the month without drowning, passing an exam, etc.) makes you feel more positive to face the effort required to achieve these achievements and, unconsciously, increases security in yourself. Let your imagination run and visualize those scenes.

Cultivate positive emotions

Having positive thoughts is undoubtedly easier if you are also in a positive mood. To promote this, it is best to do activities that you like and that cause you joy, satisfaction, happiness … Watching a funny movie, having a coffee with a friend or playing with your children are simple and everyday things that enhance optimism. The problem is that sometimes they go unnoticed or that we get used to them, and when we consider them normal, we stop valuing them. So that this does not happen, reflect at night on all the good things that the day has offered you and write down in a notebook five things that have made you happy that day (a call from a friend, a kiss from your son, an accomplice conversation with your husband …) and think about them. You'll feel better.

Surround yourself with positive people

Like smiles or yawns, optimism and pessimism are also contagious. Try to surround yourself with positive company, as that will be very beneficial for your mood. Similarly, avoid pessimistic people as much as possible. And if you can't avoid the spoiler on duty, try to take his comments with humor, think that being so grumpy has to a ridiculous point and try to counteract his negativity in this way.