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The best tricks to make flower bouquets last longer

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No matter the time of year, a house decorated with natural flowers is always endearing. If you are one of those who like to decorate the home with bouquets of flowers or you are considering doing so, here are 5 infallible tricks so that the bouquets last you beautiful much longer.

1. The best flowers to make a bouquet

Don't be fooled by love at first sight. Open flowers are very attractive, but they fade much earlier than those that are still closed. Ideally, when the cocoon is still closed, but about to hatch. This way you will get them to open in your house and your bouquets will last beautifully much longer.

2. Clean the stems

One of the essential operations to prolong the life of the bouquets is to clean the entire part of the stem that will be submerged in water. If you leave leaves floating or sunken, they will rot quickly and, through the water, will also accelerate the decomposition of the flowers.

3. Cut the stems obliquely

If you make an oblique cut instead of a straight one at the end of the flower stem, you will multiply the absorption surface and thus more water and more nutrients will reach it. If, in addition, you cut it a little again every one or two days, you will ensure that this surface stays as clean and fresh as possible.

4. Enrich the water

Surely one of the most used tricks is to put an effervescent aspirin in the water before putting the flowers to make them last longer. But he's not the only one. Another trick that lengthens the freshness of the flowers beyond the usual is to pour a few drops of camphor in distilled water and put this solution in the jug where you are going to place the bouquet. Or also add an infusion of 100 g of fresh foxglove or foxglove leaves in 150 ml of hot water.

5. And do not neglect them …

Finally, one of the most common mistakes with bouquets is forgetting about them and not remembering until they have already gone bad. To make them last longer, you have to take a look at them every one or two days and, in addition to periodically cutting the tip of the stem, changing the water, removing leaves or petals that have fallen into it, as well as removing ugly parts and withered flowers.