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Tips to never have to iron again

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If, like many of us, ironing is not only tiring and boring, but also a real prehistoric torture, free yourself and… don't iron anymore! Yes, yes, that easy. With our tricks you can reduce ironing to nothing, or do it in the easiest way possible when there is no other choice.

Choose the clothes you buy well

Look at the composition. Fabrics with a percentage of synthetic fiber (lycra, acetate, polyester … up to approximately 25%) wrinkle much less than those that are 100% natural, and they do not decrease in quality.

There are also fabrics that look good without ironing, such as silk, quality cotton or viscose. The same does not happen with linen, which always has to be ironed, or fine cotton. Other clothes are designed to be worn wrinkled, opt for them.

Attention to how you put the washing machine

There are washing machines with programs that reduce the need for ironing and products with the same effect that are added in the wash. Also, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Normal charge. Don't fill the washing machine to the limit. An excess of clothing makes washing and rinsing difficult and also makes it appear more wrinkled. Follow the manufacturer's directions.
  • Spin. Using a program at too high a speed increases wrinkles. 600 rpm is enough to remove 30-40% of the humidity, enough for an airy clothesline.
  • Softener. Use it, as it "softens" the fibers of the fabrics and reduces wrinkles. Add the amount indicated on the container and that depends on the kilos of clothing, the hardness of the water and the type of product.

And if you use a dryer …

  • Choose a gentle drying program at a low temperature so as not to over-dry the clothes, as this causes wrinkles. It is much better if they come out with some moisture.
  • Do not overfill it, as if you do, you will end up with caked clothes.


stretch instead of iron

When you go to shower, hang up the clothes you plan to wear that day in the bathroom. The steam will "stretch" any wrinkles or folds.

How to stretch strategically to iron less

  • Tends as soon as you finish the washing machine. If the clothes are dried in the machine, they will be wrinkled.
  • Once dry, do not delay in picking it up or it will be stiff.
  • Before hanging, shake it out and lay it out as flat as possible so that it dries flat.
  • To avoid pinch marks, fasten the clothes matching their seams. In pants and skirts, place the clips on the waistband; Hang shirts and T-shirts down or on a hanger and lay out sweaters flat, spread out.
  • The ideal drying rack so that clothes are not rough is the one that is ventilated, without humidity or direct sun.

Plastic tweezers tend to have less grip than wooden ones and therefore leave less of a mark.

Store well to avoid wrinkles

  • Smoothed and folded. As soon as you pick up the clothes from the clothesline, smooth them out with your hands on a flat surface and store them well folded and without wrinkles.
  • Loosely. Clothes need their space. Don't hang too tight shirts, pants or skirts or they will wrinkle. T-shirts and jerseys also cannot be stored in very high stacks, as the weight will cause the lower ones to wrinkle. Make stacks of five garments at most.
  • Accessories. There are some that make it easy to fold clothes perfectly. This is the case of folding templates that help to fold shirts, T-shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts without wrinkles and, also, with the same size. So you will have the closet in perfect order.

And if there is no other choice … simplify ironing

Even with these tricks, there are clothes that wrinkle so much that you will have to iron them. These guidelines will make your task easier:

  • Use the steam function of the iron, it will help you smooth the fabrics. If your iron doesn't have it, use a steamer. Clothes that are slightly damp are easier to iron.
  • The best results are achieved by ironing in the direction of the fabric. As a rule, the first thing that should be ironed on a garment are the seams and darts, since they give it its base shape.
  • For the ironing board there are covers with aluminum treatment that reflect heat and facilitate express ironing. A more laborious but homemade trick is to line the board with aluminum foil. In both cases, heat from one side of the garment is quickly transmitted to the other.
  • The curtains do not need to be ironed. If you hang them a little damp, the law of gravity and the curtain's own weight will make them stretch well and without a single wrinkle while they have just dried completely.
  • The towels not only do not need to be ironed, but it is also recommended not to. Doing so will stiffen their natural curl and they will be rough. Simply stretch and fold them as soon as you pick them up.