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Infallible laundry tricks that will save you a fortune

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When we set out to save at home, we always think about the shopping list, energy costs or being responsible with water consumption, but have you ever thought about how many euros a year we can save on laundry?

Yes, we have talked on many occasions about the tricks for a perfect laundry, with more order and without risks, but we can also be more productive and save when it comes to washing and caring for our clothes, and that this allows us to treat ourselves to end of the month.

But how can we do it? Well, basically by following a few simple steps that extend the life of our electronic devices , such as the washing machine or the dryer, making our clothes spoil less (and therefore last longer) and that we have to spend less money on specific drugstore products. .

All this influences, in the end, along with the rest of tricks to save at home, so that our economy is more healthy, and incidentally that our garments always look like new.


We have compiled the little tricks to make our laundry more effective , pleasant and cheap. Your life will change as mine has already changed.


  • WASH WITH COLD WATER : This small gesture can greatly extend the life of your clothes, since very hot water wears down the garments and causes colors to fade and textures may not be the same over time. Obviously, heavily stained clothing, white clothing or household items such as towels should be washed in hot water. Trick to extend the useful life of clothes, sheets, curtains …

  • PAY ATTENTION TO LABELING : All garments specify how they should be washed so that they do not spoil , so the ideal is to group the clothes by grades, fabrics … But not only that, we can also study these details before purchasing them. For example, if we buy sofa covers, warm clothes or a duvet that can be machine washed, we will save a lot of euros in dry cleaning.
  • USE DRYER BALLS : What a discovery! The ecological wool balls, easily found on websites such as Amazon , cut drying time in half. They are also the natural alternative to fabric softener with which we can eliminate this product from our clothes list, since many have an aroma and all without damaging the environment.
  • USE HOME DETERGENT : On the internet there are many tutorials to make natural detergents with inexpensive products that most of us have at home. If you get used to it, you will notice the savings a lot at the end of the year.
  • VINEGAR FOR FLAT AND FRESH TOWELS : You love that the towels are super clean and fluffy but you never get them to stay like the ones in that hotel where you go on vacation and end up buying new ones. A very old trick is to add a little vinegar (the most versatile product for the home , without a doubt) along with the usual amount of detergent. You will notice the difference!
  • SALT TO MAINTAIN THE COLOR OF THE CLOTHES : Adding salt to the wash cycle when it is colored is the easiest way to prevent it from losing its intensity and always looking new.

  • GOODBYE BAD SMELLS WITH BICARBONATE! : We spend a fortune on deodorants for clothes and spend our lives smelling each and every softener in the supermarket to find one that eliminates the strong odors of synthetic fabrics or smelly sports clothes or work uniforms. Trick? Add some baking soda to the washing machine along with the clothes . White clothes will be spotless!
  • REVIVE YOUR SHRINKED CLOTHING : Are you serious? IT IS! Since I found this trick on the internet I have not stopped doing it to save those clothes that have been shorter and smaller. Although it is always advisable to wash in cold water to avoid this, if this happens, do the following: soak the garment in soapy water and spend a few seconds stretching it, then let it air dry. Goodbye to having so many basic shirts and other cotton garments!