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How to save at home: 10 myths that don't work

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No, what you read in the title is not an error. We have selected 10 myths - which you have surely heard or even put into practice - that many of us trust when saving at home and that, unfortunately, are false. Are you curious? Keep reading!

1. Washing by hand uses less than the dishwasher

Unlike. Using the appliance is more economical both if we consider the consumption of water and energy. According to a study by the University of Bonn (Germany), washing by hand takes between 100 and 200 liters, while with an efficient dishwasher 15 liters are enough for the same amount of dishes.

By hand, between 100 and 200 liters are used, while with an efficient dishwasher 15 liters are enough

2. It is better to leave the fluorescent on …

… to turn on and off. That is what the myth used to say and it is true that it is when the fluorescent is switched on that it consumes more energy. But this power surge is so brief that it is more profitable to turn it off as long as we are not going to need it . It is true, however, that turning it on and off repeatedly can shorten its useful life.

3. Turning off the heating saves

Yes but no. It is true if you live in a warm place and your house is very well insulated. If not, remember that the highest consumption occurs when the boiler is started, that is, when heating the house. Therefore, it is more profitable to maintain a stable and moderate temperature , reducing it at night and when you are not at home. Save up to 571 euros a year in heating with these tricks.

4. Online shopping is more expensive

Other error. The times when this was true are long gone and there are more and more portals every day that allow you to make advantageous purchases, such as sale clubs or those that allow you to compare prices between different supermarkets and buy the cheapest offer online. It is as easy as choosing your favorite portal or supermarket.

5. Small appliances hardly consume

It depends. The consumption of small electrical appliances has to do with their power and, above all, with their frequency of use. If we use the dryer, the microwave, the kitchen robot, the vacuum cleaner, the coffee maker every day … in the end it shows on the bill. Rationalize its use: instead of the electric juicer or can opener, opt for the manual version.

Keep in mind that appliances that need to be heated consume more during this process, so it is not advisable to repeatedly turn the iron off and on. As for the favorite appliance of most homes, the television, remember that the larger the screen, the more it consumes and that the LED system is more efficient than the plasma screen .

LED system televisions are more efficient than plasma televisions

6. Cooking over high heat saves

It saves neither time nor money. The only thing you get is wasting some of the heat and risking burning a pot or pan and of course, scorching whatever you are cooking. The important thing is that the size of the burner matches that of the container . It does save by covering the pans, using the pressure cooker, keeping the burners clean and turning the heat down when it starts to boil.

7. Large containers are more profitable

Not always. Family size usually comes at a more advantageous price … sometimes. To be sure, take the price per kilo as a reference , information that must appear on the label. Always take into account your consumption, if it does not adapt to the size of the product, it may expire before you have consumed it and therefore, you will be wasting product.

8. The refrigerator always consumes the same

It's not like that. Although it is estimated that the cost of this appliance represents 19% of the total cost of electricity in our home, its consumption may increase or decrease depending on the maintenance and use we make of it. The Class A consume 48% less than Class D . Place it away from heat sources, such as the oven, and make sure that its rear part can breathe, separating it about 5 cm from the wall, otherwise, the motor can overheat and increase consumption by 15%. Keep it reasonably full since a full refrigerator uses less (although it seems contradictory) because already cold food helps to maintain the temperature. Set the thermostat at 5ºC in the fridge and at –18ºC in the freezer.

If you are going to renew it, always choose it with maximum energy efficiency.

9. Private labels are always cheaper

Another statement that can be expensive . Trusted brand manufacturers are challenging the situation by offering increasingly competitive prices and offers. Compare well the price of any brand - the white one too - before including a product in your shopping cart. And already put compares labels. Sometimes the cheapest product is also the one with the worst ingredients (for example saturated fat).

10. Vitroceramic, gas or induction?

Even if you think that the vitro or induction use less, the reality is that the most efficient cookers are those that work with gas, according to the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving. The reason? Well, there are no losses in the energy transformation process, which is the case with electricity. Among these, induction ones are the most recommended compared to glass ceramics.