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Depression, stress or sadness? online test

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Lately you are sad and overwhelmed, but you can't identify what is happening to you. Easy, it's normal. Other times what happens to us is that the day to day is so dizzying and our pace so frantic that we do not rest, and exhaustion opens the door to sadness. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate stress from sadness. At other times, the dejection is so great that it blocks you, and we would be talking about a greater, deeper sadness, a beginning of depression. Lack of illusions, tiredness, negativity, apathy, a tendency to isolation … The symptoms of depression and sadness are so similar that it is difficult to distinguish them. With our test we are going to try to help you name what happens to you.

Speak with someone

Silence is a very common reaction. But it contains a double trap: if you do not express yourself, it is difficult for the people around you to understand what is happening to you, and this in turn will increase your feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding. Talking is essential to overcome a situation, be it stress, sadness or depression, and it will help you feel accompanied and understood.

Assess your status

If the state of sadness lasts for more than 15 days and prevents you from leading the life you led before, affecting your relationship with your partner, your work, your family …, you are likely to suffer an episode of depression. The test will help you to get out of doubt.

What to do if it's depression

Your GP will assess your condition and the type of treatment you need. If it is a mild depression, he can do it himself, or if he thinks it is necessary, go to a psychologist. Depending on the type of depression, a psychiatrist may need to intervene.

Out loads

If you think you have reached this situation due to an excess of responsibilities, obligations, share it with your family (or at work) and start giving up tasks. Perhaps they have gotten used to the fact that you have always been in charge of everything and have not even considered that you might need help.