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Pain in the left arm, what can it be?

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A pain in the left arm is often related to a heart problem, specifically a heart attack. However, there are many causes that can cause it, and the most common usually have their origin in the bones, muscles and tendons. They can be due to trauma and repetitive efforts, to diseases related to aging (osteoporosis, osteoarthritis …) and also to circulatory problems, among others. Dr. Carlos García Palomar, a cardiologist at the Vithas Rey Don Jaime Hospital, in Castellón, explains what causes can cause it and when we should request urgent medical attention.

Causes of pain in the left arm

  • A muscle problem. Musculoskeletal problems are the most common cause of pain in the left arm. For example, those related to efforts (weight lifting) or to forced postures are easily recognizable. The pain of muscular origin is repeated with the movements of the affected limb and calms down with rest or immobilization.
  • Osteoporosis . As we age, bone mass loses density. This makes the bone more porous and more susceptible to breaking. In fact, older people with osteoporosis often have more fractures. Osteoporosis can also cause arm pain.
  • Osteoarthritis It is a rheumatic problem that damages the articular cartilage. Joints are those parts of the body that allow mobility to the skeleton. If this cartilage is injured, you suffer pain, stiffness, and disability.
  • Circulation problems . When there is poor blood circulation, the joints and muscles can hurt. As a consequence, you may feel pain in your left arm.
  • Lymphedema . It is a side effect of breast cancer surgery. When lymph nodes are removed due to mastectomy, lymphatic circulation is affected and the risk of developing lymphedema, a chronic swelling of the arm, increases. In addition to swelling, redness, and burning, it can cause pain.
  • Heart problem. In the case of a heart attack, chest pain can also radiate to one of the arms or both, but this is usually more typical in heart attacks that men suffer. Here are all the symptoms of a heart attack in a woman.

What are the symptoms of a heart problem?

Although there are numerous causes that can cause pain in the left arm, a serious heart problem can also manifest itself with this symptom. However, pain of cardiac origin is usually triggered in the context of physical (exercise) or emotional stress (upset, anxiety, fear …).

Although each person can perceive it in different ways, the characteristics that define a heart problem are usually tightness or burning in the chest, often associated with nausea and cold sweats. The pain usually radiates to the left arm (it can also radiate to the right or even both) and can subside with rest.

The duration of pain is highly variable. It can last minutes or up to several hours. In the latter case, the patient usually consults due to the persistence of symptoms.

When do you have to go urgently to the doctor

If the pain in the left arm is associated with discomfort in the chest, with paleness and vegetative symptoms (nausea, sweating …) it could be a heart problem. Also if it is triggered by exercise or emotions, since they are symptoms closely related to heart pain.

It is also important to emphasize that the pain will be more worrisome the older the patient and the more cardiovascular risk factors he has (tobacco, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes mellitus). It should be remembered that the chances of having heart disease increase with age and with the presence of these risk factors.

Therefore, in the presence of a pain that worries us, the first thing to do is go to the emergency room so that the doctors on duty rule out serious diseases. After assessing the severity, if the person is discharged, the doctors themselves will guide the patient to go to the corresponding specialist, for example, a rheumatologist or a traumatologist if necessary.

If you do not go to the emergency room, the primary care physician should be consulted to assess the pain and consider subsequent options.

What tests will we do?

Faced with pain in the left arm, it is very important to see its qualities (duration, triggers, characteristics …) and in what type of person it appears (age, cardiovascular risk factors …).

After this first evaluation there is a wide range of tests to rule out and diagnose diseases. In the initial moments, two of the most important to see if the origin is from the heart are the electrocardiogram and laboratory tests.