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Weekly horoscope: from January 30 to February 5

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Aries March 21 - April 19

So much passion and debauchery has made Aries leave aside some issues that sooner or later will take their toll. There is a person in your environment who is hurt with you. Look carefully around you, detect her and clarify things with her. If you do, you will feel liberated and happier than ever.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Whether they are single or in a couple, Taurus women could have one of the most romantic and passionate weeks of their lives. Sentimental offers, long-awaited reconciliations, consolidation of relationships, passionate encounters and a lot of love are on the horizon !

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Change of course for Gemini. The stars say that you have to radically modify your attitude and endure the pressure even if you want to avoid the issue at hand in the field of relationships. If you succeed, it is very possible that you will receive an offer to make amends from that person with whom you have faced.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

The week that begins is marked by a stagnation in the work for Cancer. Play a lot of patience and wait. Things happen in due time. Neither before nor after. And if you want something, you will have to lead. But before you can get away with it, you will have to face someone very toxic. Be careful!

Leo July 23 - August 22

Family will be at the center of Leo's attention . Although, from the outset, you will be somewhat indecisive about a conflict that you have with one of your family members, you will receive an exciting offer that will dispel all your doubts and will lead to the situation being resolved in a surprising and very fruitful way.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Virgo finally sees everything clearer. Good prospects and an unexpected injection of money will help you to continue fighting for your dreams and to prepare for that trip that you longed for. So don't waste time and start looking at flight dates or offers and other means to get to your dream destination.

Libra September 23 - October 22

After a few very intense weeks for Libra, it's time to rest. You have finally found your space and, from the tranquility that perspective offers, you will feel happier than ever at home and surrounded by the people you love. Enjoy!

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Despite the cold, Scorpio is on the go. Passion and sensuality will be the order of the day and you will soon receive good news in the field of relationships. If you have known someone lately, it is very likely that they want something more serious …

Sagittarius November 22 - December 20

Finally Sagittarius will receive the professional offer that he has been waiting for. Be it a new job, a promotion or a change of tasks in your daily chores. Be ready to take on the new situation with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, and show what you are capable of. You will succeed and you will feel very fulfilled.

Capricorn December 21 - January 20

Family, partner and friends are once again the oasis of Capricorn. In his lap you can charge the batteries and recover from the super beast wear and tear that your work has subjected you to. Stay calm in that area, and reserve the passion and all the energy you can for your loved ones.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

An issue that Aquarius had put all his effort into will suddenly collapse. But all is not lost. Do not lose the illusion and do not give up. You just have to start over. With the experience gained, the result will be much brighter, more promising and more durable than before.

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Ambivalent week for Pisces. You will feel an irresistible urge to fall into the temptation of flirting, but you will repress your feelings and give it up so as not to damage what you already have in hand. They say that a bird in hand is better than a hundred flying. And you will take it at face value.