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How to avoid turning red

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You are not the only one

You are not the only one

It is something natural that can happen to all of us but it has a solution. At least you can take note of the tips that we propose below to avoid turning red and be calmer if you have to speak in public. And when we say public we do not mean only a large audience, sometimes speaking in a meeting with 3 or 4 people can also be a bad drink. Keep reading.

Why are you turning red?

Why are you turning red?

Reddening to the roots of your hair if you hook your dress and get naked in a crowded room is normal. But if it happens to you for anything, analyze why. Are you afraid of not being at the level of your self-demand? Are you afraid of being judged negatively?

Don't judge yourself

Don't judge yourself

Insecurity and lack of self-esteem are often the offspring of high expectations. Focus on who you are and not on that idea you have created about who you should be. Surely, it is so idealized that the whole world would pale before it.

Control your stress

Control your stress

Do it with your breath. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe in slowly. Fill the stomach first and work your way up. Pause and then release the air little by little, emptying first the chest and then the stomach.

The super trick

The super trick

Use sunscreen. Put it on even if you speak indoors, whatever the time of year, its filters reduce redness. Works!

Visualize yourself in peace

Visualize yourself in peace

When you notice that the tension begins to skyrocket and the nerves are going to get to you, imagine doing something that gives you peace, such as cradling a sleeping baby, petting a pet, etc. At the same time, keep breathing deeply

Laugh at fear

Laugh at fear

Laughter is a great stress reliever. Find the fun side of things and use humor to break the ice if you have trouble interacting with others. And in times of stress, mentally tell a joke to help you relax.

They don't judge you

They don't judge you

Do not spend time scrutinizing the faces of others looking for their reaction to your actions. Neither are the others expecting you to be wrong, nor would that be so important even if it were true. In fact, others tend to be more benevolent than us.

Speak positive

Speak positive

We suggest that you start your reasoning with a "why not …? Instead of saying," always "or" never. "You will see how posing things like this makes them less inevitable (towards the bad, of course) and opens the door to that you can also see the good side.

It will come out well

It will come out well

Due to insecurity, we tend to put ourselves in the worst. We need so much to have everything under control, that we imagine everything that can go wrong. Forget this. Focus on the moment (what you have to do, say…) and forget about the result.

Make fun of yourself first

Make fun of yourself first

Are you afraid of being wrong and being made fun of? Go ahead, do it first. For example, you are talking and you get stuck. Say something like "wow, today I have rag tongue." You will have the complicity of the audience. Who has not ever happened?

It repeats … and what happens?

It repeats … and what happens?

You've tried, but you've turned red again. Dramatize it, the world has not stopped, you do not appear in the headlines of the newspaper and the stock market has not fallen. Are we exaggerating? Yes, but you too. The less you worry about it, the less it will happen.

Causes of turning red

Reddening to the brim if you fall in the middle of the street or hook your dress and get naked in a crowded room is normal. What is already more uncomfortable is if it happens frequently. Why does it happen to you? Are you afraid of not being at the level of your self-demand? Or that they judge you negatively? While a part of the culprit for turning red is physical, insecurity and lack of self-esteem often have a lot to do with it. Focus on who you are and not on that idea that you have created about who you should be, do not demand yourself excessively and be careful with high (very high) expectations for yourself.

Besides this, turning red is also a physical thing. And is that the face has many blood capillaries surrounded by muscles. When the contraction of the muscles increases, so does the speed of blood circulation through the face, making it red. And this happens to everyone? Well, no. This muscle contraction is involuntary, it depends on the sympathetic system and is activated by changes in temperature, heat, stress … Some people have the more hypersensitive sympathetic system and that is why they redden more easily.

Self-demand and lack of self-esteem make us turn red

Look on the bright side, turning red is not something that others see as a bad thing. Conversely, people who blush easily are seen as more empathetic and trustworthy. According to Peter J. de Jong, professor at the University of Groningen (Holland) and author of The psycological significance of the blush, this blush could make us look more attractive so don't hurry, it's not all bad!

Tips for public speaking without turning red

  • Manage your stress. How? Very simple, thanks to your breath. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest and breathe in slowly. Fill the stomach first and work your way up, pause. Then release the air little by little, emptying first the chest and then the stomach.
  • Laugh at fear (and at yourself). Laughter is a great stress reliever so look for the funny side of things and use humor to break the ice if you have trouble interacting with others. In times of stress, mentally tell a joke to help you relax. Also, are you afraid of being wrong and being made fun of? Go ahead and do it yourself first. For example, you are talking and you get stuck. Say something like "wow, today I have rag tongue." You will have the complicity of the audience and who has not ever happened to?
  • Find a fixed point. Better than a friendly face, focus your attention on an element in the background (painting, applique …).
  • Don't have a drink. Alcohol does not increase your confidence but the blood flow to your face, and it makes you more red.
  • Be positive and trust yourself. Due to insecurity, we tend to put ourselves in the worst. We need so much to have everything under control, that we imagine everything that can go wrong. Forget it and focus on the moment (what you have to do, say…) and forget about the result.
  • Visualize yourself "in peace". When you notice that the tension starts to skyrocket and the nerves are going to get to you, imagine doing something that gives you peace, like cradling a sleeping baby, petting a pet, etc. At the same time, keep breathing deeply
  • Sunscreen. Wear it even if you speak indoors, whatever the time of year. Its filters reduce redness.