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How to drink coffee to lose weight

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Coffee express

Coffee express

It is the single coffee of a lifetime. One cup will give you 9 kcal . American coffee has the same calories since it simply contains more water.

Cut coffee

Cut coffee

It has the same amount of coffee as the espresso but milk is added. Instead of taking it whole, opt for skim milk for an even lighter cut. This coffee will give you about 18 kcal.

Coffee with milk

Coffee with milk

One of the most common protagonists of breakfasts. Here the cup is larger, so it will take more milk (more or less the ratio would be 1/3 of coffee and 2/3 of milk). It has about 72 kcal.



For foam lovers, this is the ideal option. In this case 1/3 is coffee, 1/3 is milk and the remaining third is milk foam. As it contains air, the calories are slightly lower than in the case of coffee with milk: 56 kcal. Of course, if you drink it, avoid adding syrups.

Viennese coffee

Viennese coffee

Very similar to cappuccino, instead of using milk foam, cream and chocolate are added to it. The amount of coffee is the same as in the espresso. Here you will be taking around 256 kcal.

Caramel coffee

Caramel coffee

This is the sweetest version of latte. In addition to coffee and milk, in this case we add liquid caramel. In a large cup it is about 102 kcal .

Bonbon coffee

Bonbon coffee

Its name could well be replaced by "café bomba", since the mixture of coffee and condensed milk supposes 334 kcal. Better to leave it for special occasions.

There's nothing like the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, although statistically there are plenty of adherents to savoring it after a delicious meal. Whatever the time of your coffee, if you are trying to control your weight, you should take note of the varieties of coffee and their caloric intake, something that we have prepared for you in our image gallery.

Chocolate coffee, the best snack

As you can see in the gallery of images, of the innocent 9 calories of an espresso without sugar, you can reach 334 of the chocolate coffee. And all this without taking into account the cappuccinos with syrup, natachinos and cafelattechinos from some coffee chains, whose levels of sugar and fat can reach the stratosphere. By this we do not mean that you give up your favorite coffee. Just be aware of what it means and take it more as a snack or mid-morning (without accompanying it with anything else) than as the dessert after dessert.

The best choice

Without a doubt, the best coffee is the espresso from the trusted bar of a lifetime (with or without milk, whether or not soy, lactose-free, almond… for tastes, colors). And of course, the homemade option, where the most important thing, in addition to the type of coffee and the coffee maker you choose, is how you preserve it. Because, if you don't want that terrific coffee you've bought to lose part of its aroma and qualities, you must save it accordingly. Take note:

  • Hermetic container. If it has rubber gaskets, the better. You will prevent the aroma from evaporating and the flavors of other foods from affecting it.
  • Out of moisture. It is one of the worst enemies of coffee. Store it in a cool, dry place, and always well covered.
  • Far from other flavors. Coffee absorbs the aromas and flavors of other foods very easily. Try to keep it in a dedicated container just for him and away from strong odors.
  • Grind in the moment. If possible, it is best to grind the coffee beans just before preparing it. If they make it to you in the store, tell them the type of coffee maker you use so that they can adjust the thickness of the grind.
  • Water matters. If your local water is hard, better use mineral water. If you use tap water, your coffee will taste better if you let it sit to allow the chlorine to evaporate.
  • Do not reheat it. The coffee should be drunk fresh. If you have no choice, use the microwave so that the aroma is not lost and add an extra bit of mineral water.

And if you want to discover more, visit our article 6 curiosities about coffee.