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Is the black mask good for the skin?

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Black masks have become very fashionable for their detoxifying and purifying action on the face, but not all are the same. The risk is in what are called peel-off, which form a film on the face when it dries and is removed in a single "pull".

According to dermatologist Elia Roó, "the biggest drawback of these masks is that they cannot be removed with water. They adhere firmly to the skin and by removing them, they can eliminate the stratum corneum, the most superficial layer of the skin, and therefore, alter its protective function. "

Possible effects

  • In normal skin, irritation. In addition to the pain they can cause when removing them, the skin may become red or small wounds appear.
  • On sensitive skin, dermatitis. Or it can even cause small dilations of the vessels, which is known as rosacea.
  • "Relative" impurity removal. The "fever" of this type of mask comes from the promise of eliminating blackheads and impurities as soon as they are applied. "But after a few weeks they will come back, which would force us to use them continuously," says the dermatologist.


Out blackheads

It is best to follow the advice of dermatologists and do a gentle peeling of the skin, with exfoliants that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or retinoids in their formulation.

But not all black masks are "dangerous". If you have dull skin and you want to illuminate your face , you can use activated charcoal (some of them are mixed with clays), which are clarified later. They are very suitable for urban skins, which are habitually subjected to pollution.

How to use them

  • Clean and dry the skin well. Apply a layer of the mask, avoiding the entire eye contour and lips.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes. It is the minimum time you need for the product to dry well.
  • Rinse with plenty of warm water. And then apply your usual cream.

The properties of activated carbon and clays

They are components of plant origin, which have the property of absorbing waste, toxins and impurities. These detox qualities are what make it advisable for facial cleansing with a tendency to oily or mixed skin (in these cases it can only be applied to the T zone: forehead, nose and chin). The ideal frequency would be once every 7-10 days to ensure the purifying action on the skin and then space out its application more.

And if you want to know more about the world of masks, you cannot miss the ones that celebrities use to have perfect skin.