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Pasta recipes: goat cheese soles with candied tomato and onion

Table of contents:


2 packages of goat cheese soles with tomato and onion confit GALLO
Oil for frying
200 ml of cream for cooking
6 anchovy fillets in oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon butter
Salt and pepper

"No matter how long the storm, the sun always shines through the clouds again . " This very wise phrase from the Lebanese poet, painter, novelist and essayist, Khalil Gibran, could not be more accurate in the recipe that concerns us today. It does not matter if you have not had a good day, if "it is the first time you have sat down all day " or if you are not a cook, once you try these soles stuffed with goat cheese, tomato and caramelized onion , from Pastas Gallo ( which are super easy to prepare, of course) nothing can go wrong!

And it is a breath of fresh air in our fridge and a real revolution in our pantry , already bored with macaroni, spaghetti or noodles. Yes, we love pasta in any of its variants but if it comes in the form of the sun, and stuffed on top, our love is already unconditional. So thank you PASTAS GALLO, for making us so happy today .

We have prepared a recipe using these stuffed ravioli as a base served with a delicious (and very easy) sauce.

Before starting

You should know that…

* The amounts are for 4 people

* Difficulty is medium / high

* It will take you 30 minutes

We leave you the step by step below so you can surprise someone (or yourself) today.

Recipe for goat cheese soles with tomato and onion from fried confit Gallo Pastas with Bagna Cauda sauce step by step:

  1. For the Bagna Cauda sauce , take a frying pan and put the butter over medium heat with a drizzle of olive oil.
  2. Add the minced garlic and the chopped anchovies , cook for a few minutes and add the cream, continue cooking for a few more minutes, reserve.
  3. In a deeper pan, add olive oil to fry and heat the oil until it is about 180 degrees.
  4. Fry the ravioli little by little until golden brown and drain on absorbent paper.
  5. Serve the ravioli with the sauce in a bowl to dip and eat as a snack.

Enjoy your meal!