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If your house smells weird (or downright bad), check these sites

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Let's do it

Let's do it

Tired of strangers or bad smells that get into your nose and you don't know where they come from? Well, you have no choice but to get like Jessica Fletcher, the adorable old woman from 'A crime has been written', and sharpen your nose to detect what causes them. Here are some clues to finding them, and more importantly, how to avoid them.

  • As you will see, some causes of bad odors are more evident than others, such as garbage, but others you would never say …

The adorable pets

The adorable pets

If you have cats, dogs or other pets, keep in mind that they are often behind that bad smell that persists no matter how long you spend the day cleaning. When their hair falls out, bacteria proliferate that can end up causing an unpleasant smell.

  • How to avoid it? In addition to vacuuming the floor and upholstery to collect hair, as well as bathing your pets periodically (or cleaning them with specific products if they cannot get wet), you should not forget where they sleep, their eating and drinking utensils. , and their toys. Keep in mind that if they are made of rubber or hard plastics, they are one of the things you would never say can be washed in the dishwasher to save you effort and sanitize them better.

Wet clothes

Wet clothes

Wet and wrinkled clothing is another hidden cause of many bad odors in the home. If it dries poorly, the moisture water decomposes and causes an unpleasant stench.

  • How to avoid it? Do not leave the clothes in the washing machine. Lay it out as soon as it's finished. In addition to being one of the ways to extend the life of clothes, you avoid getting a damp smell. Similarly, don't throw wet rags, wet towels after showering, or sweaty, damp clothes from the gym, pool, or beach directly into the laundry bin. If you're not going to put a washing machine in right away, hang or spread them out on towel racks, chair backs, or folding clotheslines.



Another of the mistakes that we usually make with house clothes is not washing sheets and bed linen often enough. Germs and bacteria buildup on sheets, pillows, and mattress can have that unpleasant smell you're looking for.

  • How to avoid it? As a general rule, it is recommended to wash the sheets weekly, the mattress covers and inner covers monthly, and every six months to clean the mattress. Find out how often you need to wash your household clothes.

Garbage cans

Garbage cans

Garbage is one of the main sources of bad odors. However, throwing away the garbage is not enough …

  • How to avoid it? Aside from not taking it out daily (especially if it's organic), one of the most common cleaning mistakes is forgetting to clean the garbage cans too. We change the bag every time we throw it away, but often we do not clean the container, something that not only causes bad smells, but is also a potential health hazard due to the accumulation of germs and bacteria.

The washing-machine

The washing-machine

The washing machine seems like the cleanest place in the world, yet it is often not, and because of this, it gives off bad odors. And it is that the washing machine itself also has to be cleaned. The main cause of the bad smell is caused by the humidity that concentrates inside when leaving it closed. But it can also be because the rubber or filter has not been cleaned.

  • How to avoid it? Leave the door open after each wash, dry the inside of the drum and the opening rubber, and leave the door open to ventilate. Here is everything you need to know to clean the washing machine step by step.

The dishwasher

The dishwasher

Three-quarters of the same happens with the dishwasher. Its warm and humid environment is a haven for mold and other pathogens. But to the accumulation of humidity is added the presence of remains of food that may be decomposing … Perhaps that is where that unpleasant smell that you are looking for comes from and that increases when you bring your nose inside.

  • How to avoid it? Regularly run a vacuum and dry cleaning cycle to clean the interior, including the silverware basket, filter, panels, and door gasket. And periodically check the filter. And one of the homemade cleaning tricks that goes very well to remove the bad smell both in the dishwasher and in the washing machine is to add half a glass of mouthwash or mouthwash to the wash.

The oven and microwave

The oven and microwave

Another of the cleaning mistakes that we usually make in the kitchen is not even looking inside the oven and microwave, which is usually dirty and causes bad odors.

  • How to avoid it? To keep dirt and odors at bay, put greaseproof paper and silverware instead of baking directly on the trays. And use the protective hood of the microwave to avoid splashing when you heat food. Here are more tips for cleaning the oven, hood and hob.

The pantry or the fridge

The pantry or the fridge

How long has it been since you checked the food that you keep in the pantry or the food that has been cornered in the fridge? It is another of the most common sources of bad odors.

  • How to avoid it? Check the expiration date of the food. In a Marie Kondo plan, it places priority consumption on the front line or closer to hand. And do a weekly review and general cleaning of the fridge (you can take advantage when you do the weekly comparison) and the pantry at least once a month. Here are tricks to properly organize your fridge and fridge organizers that can change your life.

The greengrocer

The greengrocer

If you've ever had a potato spoiled, you'll know that it smells really bad. So it is another of the possible causes of that bad smell that you are investigating.

  • How to avoid it? One of the most common mistakes with greengrocers is placing potatoes, onions and other vegetables that do not require refrigeration in non-ventilated places. In this way, moisture accumulates and can end up rotting the vegetables. So that it does not happen, better aerated baskets in dry and airy places and, as far as possible, dark to slow down their ripening process.

Pipes and drains

Pipes and drains

According to various studies, the kitchen sink is up to 100,000 times more polluted than the bathroom, which makes it the king of the dirtiest places in the house, and among its causes is the dirt accumulated in the drains and pipes that, in addition, they are a potential source of bad smells.

  • How to avoid it? In addition to disinfecting the sink, in general, give the drain a review as well (many can be disassembled to clean the interior), and periodically disinfect and unclog the pipes. If you don't want to resort to toxic or corrosive cleaning products, you can do so with a home remedy based on bicarbonate and vinegar, two of the most effective household cleaning products. Put a half cup of baking soda down the drain first. Then add half a cup of vinegar. Let it react and act for half an hour or so. And finally let the hot water run so it can wash it and run through the pipes.

The shoemaker

The shoemaker

The bad smell of shoes is a classic of bad smells. The moisture from sweat and the traces of dirt that can accumulate when you put them on and take them off are the perfect breeding ground for fungi and other stinking germs.

  • How to avoid it? A very effective trick to remove odors from shoes is to put baking soda or talcum powder on them when you take them off and let them absorb moisture and odors overnight. Also, keep in mind that it is better not to wear the same pair of shoes many days in a row. Apart from helping them to 'dry' and ventilate, you extend their life. And for the shoe rack to smell good without the need for air fresheners, you can put lavender branches, sage leaves, and citrus peel.

Newly bought furniture

Newly bought furniture

Sometimes you notice an unknown smell that you cannot detect its origin from and, suddenly, you realize that you have finished some piece of furniture. That new smell they give off is caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), substances released by solvents, paints and other products used to attractively expose and protect them.

  • How to avoid it? In addition to having an odor that can be unpleasant, these substances can be harmful to health. To avoid taking risks, as soon as you install them at home, wipe or vacuum them to remove any debris that may remain on the surfaces and upholstery.