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If you like series, be careful, because when you see this you will want it all

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Do you like series?

Do you like series?

We love them, in fact every Monday we catch up on Clara's writing and we tell each other all that we have been able to see in a weekend. Does it happen to you too? If so, surely you also find this cushion funny. And if not, surely you know someone to give it to. But, be that as it may, keep reading because there is a selection of the good and the best to watch series at home and freak out.

Don't miss our tricks to get more out of Netflix.

Cushion, € 14.38

Super cute tablet holder

Super cute tablet holder

Spend an hour or two holding a screen? Nope, especially if you can do it with as much style as with this rose gold tablet holder.

€ 18.99

Perfect sound…

Perfect sound…

… And without bothering anyone (or blushing). You own your time and decide what you want to see, when and how. And if you fancy a series or movie that rises in temperature (like the new series starring Mario Casas), perfect. And if you want to see a series at full volume, then too. With these long cable headphones you will have almost total isolation and your listening experience will be fantastic.

€ 27.95

You can watch your series wherever you want

You can watch your series wherever you want

In the bathroom, in the kitchen, in your room, while doing sports or brushing your teeth … with this stand you can see your mobile or tablet at different heights and angles. Perfect for restless people who don't want to waste a minute. Ah! And by the way you will take care of your back.

€ 19.99

Also your laptop

Also your laptop

What is yours to see them on a laptop? Don't worry, there is also a perfect support for you.

€ 18.99

Quick popcorn on the mic

Quick popcorn on the mic

I don't know about you, but we can't separate the movie + popcorn binomial. With this Lékué container you can make them in 3 minutes in the microwave and on top with almost no oil (or nothing). It comes with tons of recipes in case you feel like getting creative. And yes, homemade popcorn (with almost no oil and very little salt) is approved in any diet to lose weight and even in realfood.

€ 19.75

Popcorn guachis

Popcorn guachis

And if you want to get very gourmet, you like strong emotions (like living like crazy and butter your desired popcorn) or you just want to have a photo-worthy popcorn on Instagram, get this one that is electric. The bowl is included, you can prepare popcorn for a whole family and it takes up less space than you imagine.

€ 53.99

A bowl for you to sit at the cinema

A bowl for you to sit at the cinema

You can create a total movie theater atmosphere with a bowl of popcorn like this one. Come on, the essential complement for lovers of the big screen and it is ideal if you are going to see one of the 85 best romantic movies of all time.

€ 7.05

Quality raw material and very cheap

Quality raw material and very cheap

Want more of a "home theater" feel? Here you have 3 kilos of special corn to make popcorn (the kind they use in theaters). This way they will come out chubby and very crispy.

€ 11.25

Projector at a good price

Projector at a good price

Let's move on to bigger words. When creating a home theater, why don't you do it for real? The first thing you need is a projector. This is low-end but of very good quality. Better to start with something in this price range and - if you are fond of - move on to the more expensive projectors.

€ 69.99

You also need a screen

You also need a screen

Every projector needs an appropriate place to project the image. A white wall would be worth it, but this folding and portable screen can solve the problem very well. In addition, you can project anywhere (interior and exterior).

€ 14.99

Sound deserves attention

Sound deserves attention

You have the projector, you have the screen, you need good sound! This bar will provide you with a loud and clear surround audio experience in your home.

€ 43.26

Go tv

Go tv

If your thing is more TV, we propose you this 43-inch Samsung model that has an unbeatable quality, performance and price ratio.

€ 448.99

Game of Thrones lovers

Game of Thrones lovers

Here is your kit to hook you back to Game of Thrones and enjoy its long-awaited final season.

Risk, € 45.07

Daenerys Funko, € 31.02

Do you like the classics?

Do you like the classics?

To us too and there is nothing like re-enjoying all the seasons of Breaking Bad.

Poster, € 9.95

Mug, € 12.93

Do you sometimes see strange things?

Do you sometimes see strange things?

We do too and we love it. Especially when it comes to this series that has us on edge while waiting for the new season.

T-shirt, 8.15

Monopoli, € 29.90