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Sara Sálamo joins other celebrities and shows the truth about her postpartum body

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Although many celebrities have insisted on hiding their postpartum tummies and others recover from the puerperium as if by magic, there is a new trend among celebrities that invites them to take this second part of the process of becoming a mother more naturally. One of the last to join this applauded trend has been the actress Sara Sálamo, who just 5 days ago welcomed her first child, Theo. And she has done it by sharing a photo on Instagram of the current state of her body.

This is how Sara Sálamo's tummy is 5 days after giving birth

"Lost postpartum" is how Sara Sálamo has defined her current situation when she hasn't been holding her first child, Theo, for a week. And is that the postpartum can be a very complicated time for some women. It all depends on each one, of course, and how the childbirth was, but that image that some celebrities strive to sell having a perfect appearance minutes after bringing their children into the world is beginning to fall into oblivion.

A few days ago it was Meghan Markle who appeared in public with a maxi dress that hinted that her recovery was still running its course, without haste and letting the body return to its being little by little. Chrissy Teigen is one of the most active moms when it comes to showing the reality of having children for a woman on social networks and we have seen her in all kinds of situations: with the breast pump or the postpartum girdle.

This is the image that Sara Sálamo shared yesterday in the stories of her Instagram account. In her case, with a maternity jumpsuit and marking the belly "6 months" as she said herself. And it is that a belly that has taken 9 months to grow cannot magically disappear . Bravo to Sara and bravo to all those famous women who have no complex in fleeing from the image of perfection imposed by social networks and show other mortals that continuing to have guts (and another series of problems) is the most normal thing in the world in this moment.