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Sara Sálamo shares the cutest photo of Isco and little theo


Life smiles on Sara Sálamo, who has adapted to her new facet of mother like a charm. The actress and footballer Isco Alarcón met little Theo on July 11 and they drool. The arrival of the baby at home has been a real revolution that they do not stop showing off on Instagram.

And so, thanks to social networks, we have been able to witness one of the most intimate and beautiful scenes of the athlete and his baby. In the image, which Sara has shared in her stories, the athlete appears lying down and watching television with his son sleeping peacefully on him. The image is precious because they both practice skin-to-skin , a perfect experience for the baby's first weeks of life and which, also in the case of parents, creates a most special connection.

In addition, Sara wanted to share what surprises her how tall the little one is, who is not even one month old. "My son is longer than a day without bread," he has written. And, she insisted while taking a selfie with the baby in the mirror. "Well that … Not a month has …", has written.

Motherhood has been a true revolution in the lives of the couple, who are going through their happiest moment and are still as in love as ever. They boast about it, and they do very well, on social networks. Thus, to Sara's last publication, in which she celebrates the coffee that can be drunk every day, since she cannot abuse caffeine at the moment, her boy has replied with a beautiful: "You are pretty" heart emoticon. What unforgettable moments!