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Symptoms of the flu and how to cure it

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The first symptom of the flu

The first symptom of the flu

The flu is sudden, it starts suddenly. Yesterday you were "weird" and today you feel very bad.

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One of the symptoms of the flu is fever, and usually high. It usually rises beyond 38 degrees.

Chills and shivering

Chills and shivering

The chills and shivering are very common and characteristic of the flu, because they do not occur with catarrhal or colds. It is possible that when they appear they are associated with the most complicated cases and are related to increased viremia (when viruses enter the bloodstream).

Photo by Cory Bouthillette via Unsplash



If you have a persistent migraine, it is probably the flu. Discover the types of headaches.

Photo by Gregory Pappas via Unsplash



If you feel like you can't handle your soul, you probably have the flu. Discomfort, muscle and joint pain are common symptoms of this ailment. It mainly affects the back and the extremities. It is usually accompanied by a weakness sometimes so extreme that you cannot even lift a pencil.

Photo by Vladislav Muslakov via Unsplash

Dry cough

Dry cough

When you have the flu there is an irritating dry cough, without mucus.

Not so common: sore throat

Not so common: sore throat

Although the flu can sometimes cause a sore throat, it is more common with colds.

Neither does the congestion

Neither does the congestion

The profuse runny nose and sneezing are also more typical of colds.

The influenza virus is characterized by its high contagion and by appearing every year in winter, in the form of epidemics (that is, when the disease spreads rapidly and affects many people in the same area and at the same time).

Knowing for sure if what you have is the flu is impossible without a test that detects the virus, but you can suspect it if you have these symptoms.

Flu symptoms

  1. The flu comes suddenly. Yesterday you felt strange and today you are fatal
  2. High fever, over 38 degrees
  3. Shaking chills
  4. Very severe headache
  5. Extreme discomfort
  6. Dry cough

Flu treatment

With the flu you can only alleviate the symptoms, that is, you can only try to improve your level of well-being while the process lasts. The flu, whether you treat it or not, always lasts a week and you have to be at rest, drink plenty of fluids and medicines to lower the fever if it is very high. Paracetamol is the drug most used to lower fever and improve general health. Ibuprofen is also helpful and as it has a stronger anti-inflammatory effect, it may be more suitable in some cases.

What can you take to ease flu symptoms?

  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic. They relieve sore throat, muscle pain and headaches. They can also lower a fever.
  • Antitussives. They are used to relieve coughs. There are them against dry cough and against cough with mucus. They can be taken in syrup or pills.
  • Antihistamines. They relieve the discomfort of congestion (puffy eyes, mucus, sneezing …). They are usually found in flu and catarrhal preparations.

Natural remedies against flu

  • Ginger. Relieves cough and respiratory discomfort. Prepare a cup of hot water with honey and a piece of grated fresh ginger, crushed garlic and lemon juice.
  • Thyme. Facilitates the expulsion of mucus. Take it as an infusion (one teaspoon per cup).
  • Echinacea Helps keep defenses high. It can be used to shorten the symptoms of the disease or also as a preventive treatment.

What should not be taken?

  • Antibiotics They only treat diseases caused by bacteria and both colds and flu are viral.
  • Decongestants. They can cause tachycardias. If you use them to decongest the nose, let it not be more than 3 days.

When should the fever be lowered?

It is a sign that the body is struggling. Start treating her if she gets over 39º. If it goes over 40º go to the ER. Take special care:

  • If they are children. If they exceed 39º they can convulse.
  • There are pre-existing chronic ailments. It aggravates diabetes, heart problems, or kidney failure.
  • In the elderly. They can suffer a disturbance of the central nervous system.

Start treating the fever if it reaches 39º

How do you lower the fever?

  • Lighten your clothes. Apply towels soaked in cold water and refresh the environment without drafts.
  • Antipyretics. If the fever begins to be worrisome and does not go down in another way, resort to these drugs.

When to go to the ER

Go to the ER whenever you have these symptoms:

  1. You do not recover and it lasts more than 2 weeks. Most people recover after two weeks. But if this is not your case, go to the doctor. A cold or flu can be complicated by diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease, or sepsis, which is a very serious infection of the blood.
  2. Dehydration The fever that accompanies the flu can lead to fluid loss and dehydration. If it is severe, it is a reason for medical urgency, since it could cause even death. Pinch the skin on the hand. If it doesn't return to normal quickly, you are dehydrating.
  3. Extreme weakness It could be Guillain-Barré syndrome . It is a very rare autoimmune disease that can be accompanied by the flu virus. It occurs because the immune system mistakenly attacks the nervous system. It produces extreme muscle weakness and could lead to paralysis.

If more than 2 weeks have passed since the symptoms began, go to the doctor

How to prevent the flu

  • Cover your mouth. By coughing or sneezing, viruses are expelled up to a meter away. Covering your mouth or nose, for example with a mask, and washing your hands will prevent these microorganisms from rampaging and contagion from occurring.
  • Disinfectant lotion. During the most contagious months, it is customary to carry this lotion made up of a soap solution and alcohol in your bag to disinfect your hands.
  • House without viruses. Those with the flu or cold can survive 24 hours outside the body. The remote control of the TV, the tables or the knobs are usually the most risky surfaces. Wash them with an alcohol-free disinfectant or single-use wipes. Kitchen rags and scouring pads also help spread germs. Put them in water with bleach.