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#Retoclara: 10 tricks to cook with fewer calories the 1st week

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Low-fat, mild vichyssoise

Low-fat, mild Vichyssoise

Although there are all year round, from December to March leeks are at their best. And with them you can prepare a light vichyssoise by replacing the potato with zucchini, and the cream or heavy cream for a skimmed yogurt. And if you want to give it an exotic touch, add a teaspoon of curry or a pinch of grated ginger.

Lighten the salmon

Lighten the salmon

Salmon is a very fatty fish, but very healthy thanks to its richness in Omega 3, so it is advisable to consume it even on weight loss diets. The trick is to make it as light as possible by cooking it without added fat. How? Grilled like the one in our recipe, or in papillote or in the microwave …

See straight salmon with vegetables.

Tender beans

Tender beans

From March and throughout the spring you can find young broad beans on the market. They are very rich in fiber and very low in fat. So they fit perfectly into a diet if eaten raw, or not cooked the old-fashioned way and cooked only boiled in salads with some protein as a side.

See recipe for beans with eggs and sausages.

Tomato coulis

Tomato coulis

Sauces make dishes much more appetizing, but they can be a real calorie bomb if they are full of fat. A light and very sophisticated sauce is tomato coulis. You just have to sauté the tomato over very low heat and without oil in a non-stick pan until it loses all the water and acquires a consistency similar to that of a jam. Exquisite.

Diet-proof fillers

Diet-proof fillers

Filling a round of turkey or loin, which are already very lean meats, with spinach, peppers or aubergines, gives it a lot of flavor and very few calories. A perfect alternative to a ham and cheese filling, for example.

Alternative to classic lasagna

Alternative to classic lasagna

Substituting a meat and cheese lasagna for a vegetable lasagna, already lightens the dish a lot. And if you want to lower the calories even more, skip the béchamel and replace it with tomato sauce. It is a delicious and much less caloric option.

Cooking with wok

Cooking with wok

This kitchen tool allows you to sauté vegetables, meat and fish with very little oil. And leave them at the right point, conserving most of their nutrients. In addition, they are often sold with racks in which you can leave the food on top as you sauté them to release excess fat.

100% guilt-free croutons

100% guilt-free croutons

It is very common to accompany many creams with fried bread croutons. But, in the same way that fresh pepper, tomato and onion croutons are used in gazpacho, the same can be done with all creams. From vegetables to mushrooms, through delicious and energetic sprouts.

Satisfying dishes

Satisfying dishes

The recommended portion of pasta in a diet is about 50 grams, which if you choose spaghetti, it can seem very scarce and not stop hunger. But if you resort to wheat semolina like the one used to make tabouleh or couscous, it will allow you to feel more satiated because, by absorbing the water, it increases a lot in volume and you get a "platazo".

Grilling without fat

Grilling without fat

To lighten any barbecue, it is infallible to use a source that has a built-in rack. Or use the one that comes in the oven along with its tray. Thus, all the fat that is sweating the roasted piece falls into the source, the piece is not soaked in it and you get rid of its fat with almost no effort.

One of the fundamental principles of #RetoClara to lose weight as Laura, a colleague has done , is to follow an easy and simple diet that is low in calories. And at the same time, do not leave you hungry.

One of the keys to losing weight is to follow a diet that is easy to follow and does not leave you hungry.

This is how the diet designed by Dr. M.ª Isabel Beltrán, our "resident" nutritionist, is like this in the challenge's weekly menus. A diet that will help you lose weight and lose weight. And that, with the 10 infallible tricks to cook with less calories that we propose in the image gallery, it will be very easy for you to follow without giving up the pleasures of the table.

Together with the menu for the 1st week, and your shopping list, a really useful and effective tool.