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Easy cooking recipes and ideal results for beginners

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Golden baked

Golden baked

Baked fish are the undisputed stars of easy recipes that are great for beginners. And is that the food cooked in the oven is made by itself and always gives a feeling like a party or celebration.

How to make baked bream

To make the baked bream, coat a baking dish with olive oil and top it with slices of washed raw tomato and chives, minced peeled garlic, fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano) and a few capers. Salt and pepper, place the bream on top (if they are small, one per person), drizzle with oil and roast in the oven, preheated to 180º, about 15-20 minutes.

  • If you don't want to complicate your life, ask to have the scales and entrails removed from the bream in the fishmonger (they do it in all of them). So you just have to run them through water and dry them before adding them to the tray.

Prawn cocktail

Prawn cocktail

For years, the prawn cocktail was one of the easy and most popular recipes in every home. Now it is not so fashionable, but with presentations as appetizing as this one, we demand that it return to the table because it is easy and irresistible.

How to make prawn cocktail

Wash some oranges, cut a lid and empty them with the help of a knife. Chop the pulp in a bowl, reserving the juice, and mix it with the green salad sprouts. Peel some prawns and sauté them for 1 minute in a pan with a little oil. Salt and pepper them and sprinkle with chives, washed and minced. Fill the oranges with the salad, spread the prawns on top. And season with a mixture of oil, vinegar, orange juice and a pinch of salt and pepper, well beaten, until they bind.

  • You can substitute the vinaigrette for a mayonnaise sauce lightened with orange juice or another light salad sauce; and if you don't even want to turn on the stove, you can opt for some already cooked prawns instead of the sautéed prawns. You just have to peel them.

Pork tenderloin with mustard

Pork tenderloin with mustard

Recipes with pork tenderloin are another sure value when you are looking for easy recipes and results for beginners.

How to make mustard pork tenderloin

Clean and season a pork tenderloin. Put a large saucepan on the fire with 2 tablespoons of oil or 2 butter nuts and, when it is very hot, add it. Brown it all over and remove it. Lower the heat to a minimum and, in the same pan with the cooking juices, pour a bottle or a carton of liquid cream. Add 3-4 tablespoons of old mustard (depending on how strong you like the sauce) and heat a little until they combine. Add the sirloin and cook between 7 and 9 minutes (depending on how you prefer it more or less done). Take it out, cut it into thin slices, serve it with the sauce and accompany it with sautéed mushrooms, mashed potatoes, white rice …

  • If you want to make it more sophisticated, you can make an onion sauce before adding the cream and mustard, and mash them before adding the sirloin again.

Salmon And Avocado Tartar

Salmon And Avocado Tartar

In addition to being one of the cold dinners that are easy to make and are delicious, the tartar (a dish made with minced meat or fish, raw and marinated) is another of the easy recipes and the most suitable results for beginners. It has a spectacular look and is done in a flat pleat.

How to make salmon tartare

With the help of a kitchen ring, layer diced avocado, boiled egg and raw salmon in layers (to neutralize the dreaded anisakis, a parasite that can be harmful to health, you have to freeze it previously for 72 hours). Serve it on toast and accompany it with a salad of watercress and tomatoes dressed with a little oil.

  • You can also do it with marinated salmon (here we tell you how to do it step by step) or, even easier, chopped smoked salmon. And if you don't have a kitchen ring, no problem: mix a whole bowl and spread it over the toast.

Prawn, fish and mushroom skewers

Prawn, fish and mushroom skewers

The skewers and skewers are another of the most typical easy and successful recipes for beginners. And it is that they enter by sight and their only difficulty is to heat the grill and roast.

How to make prawn skewers

To make these, wash and cut the mushrooms into two halves, and string them on skewers together with fish cubes (monkfish, cod, hake …) and peeled prawns . Brush them with a little oil and grill them on a very hot griddle or grill.

  • Serve immediately with a vinaigrette of olive oil, lemon juice and chopped garlic and parsley; and accompany with green shoots, white rice, couscous, quinoa …

Goat cheese salad

Goat cheese salad

Here you have the typical starter to look like a queen without having notions of cooking or making any effort. It is one of the easiest and most successful recipes for lunch or dinner that is prepared in 5 minutes.

How to make goat cheese salad

On a bed of lamb's lettuce, place sliced mushrooms (so they do not oxidize, sprinkle them with a little lemon juice), washed cranberries and a slice of goat cheese, heated on the grill, back and forth.

  • If you don't like raw mushrooms, sauté them a bit before adding them to your plate for a warm salad ideal for dinner.

Seafood rice salad

Seafood rice salad

It is true that paella is not one of the easiest recipes to make if you are a beginner, but you can start with one of the most sought after rice recipes: seafood rice salad, a rice salad that has no difficulty and gives the hit.

How to make seafood rice salad

While you cook a white rice following the instructions on the package, chop onion, tomato and green and red peppers into small cubes. Mix them with canned mussels and cockles. Add it all to the cold, well-drained rice. And complete with some cooked prawns or prawns.

  • If you want it to be more tasty, you can encourage yourself to make the clams and steamed mussels yourself; remove the shells and add them to the salad. Keep in mind that, in addition, in many supermarkets, they sell ready-made mussels to be made in the microwave, thereby saving you from having to clean and prepare them.

Stuffed eggs

Stuffed eggs

Deviled eggs are one of the easy and successful recipes that many start with in the kitchen. They have no difficulty and can be filled with almost anything.

How to make deviled eggs

In an easy plan, cook some eggs (here are all the tricks to get the perfect cooked egg), cut them in half and carefully separate the yolk and reserve it. Mix the yolks with canned tuna (there are plenty of recipes you can make with a can of tuna and very little effort), fried tomato and a little mayonnaise. With the help of a spoon, fill the cooked egg whites with the mixture.

  • Garnish with sprouts, radish slices, piquillo pepper strips, grated egg yolk, olives, prawns …

Salmorejo with prawns

Salmorejo with prawns

Both the salmorejo and the gazpacho are also ideal for making easy and successful recipes when you are not good at cooking.

How to make salmorejo with prawns

You just have to crush raw tomato together with bread crumbs from the day before, peeled garlic, olive oil and a little vinegar (if you want to know how to make the salmorejo step by step, here is the easiest recipe). And to accompany it, peel some prawns, spread them on skewers and grill them or grill them for a couple of minutes on each side.

  • If you don't want to complicate your life, you can use pre-cooked salmorejo. And instead of the prawns, string some peeled prawns on the skewers, the kind they sell already cooked.

Macaroni gratin

Macaroni gratin

And if you are looking for an easy and successful recipe for the little ones (and not so little ones) without having much cooking knowledge, gratin macaroni never fail. It is an ideal dish for when you have a lot of people at home and you don't want to complicate your life. Also, if you make them like these with vegetables, the rebound will help everyone at home eat more vegetables.

How to make macaroni gratin

Cook the macaroni in salt water following the package directions until al dente and drain. In a frying pan, sauté one or more bags of washed and cut vegetables ready to cook (depending on how many people you have, one will suffice or you will need more). Once sautéed, mix them with the macaroni, place in a baking dish, cover with mozzarella or grated cheese and gratin for 5 minutes in the oven. That easy.

  • If you want to try other versions, they are also very tasty with a sauce of onion and minced meat or canned tuna instead of the sautéed vegetables. Sautéed mushrooms and other mushrooms also go very well with gratin macaroni, and many supermarkets sell them already cleaned and cut to be added to the pan.