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Which are the fruits with less sugar and which with more?

Table of contents:


Custard apple

Custard apple

It has 20 g of sugar per 100 g



It has 16.90 g of sugar per 100 g

White grapes

White grapes

It has 16.10 g of sugar per 100 g



It has 16 g of sugar per 100 g

Figs and figs

Figs and figs

It has 16 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 13.80 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 13.50 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 11.50 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 10.60 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 10.60 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 9 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 9 g of sugar per 100 g



Has 8.6 g of sugar per 100 g



It has 6 g of sugar per 100 g



It has 5.90 g of sugar per 100 g



They have 4.6 of sugar per 100 g



It has 4.50 g of sugar per 100 g

You have already seen that cherimoya is the queen of fruits with more sugar and watermelon is the champion of those with less, as well as that the differences between one and the other can be enormous. Here you have the complete list.

Fruits with more and less sugar

  • Custard apple. 20 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Banana. 16.90 g of sugar per 100 g
  • White grape. 16.10 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Khaki. 16 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Figs and figs. 16 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Mango. 13.80 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Cherries 13.50 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Pineapple. 11.50 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Pear. 10.60 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Kiwi. 10.60 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Peach. 9 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Lemon. 9 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Orange. 8.6 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Cantaloupe. 6 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Avocado. 5.90 g of sugar per 100 g
  • Raspberries 4.6 sugar per 100 g
  • Watermelon. 4.50 g of sugar per 100 g

Can I eat fruit on a diet?

Although the sugar naturally present in fruits is very different from the sugar that you put in coffee or added to processed ones, it is important that you also control it if you do not want your weight to suffer.

  • Without passing you. If you consume more sugar than your body burns, it will transform it into fat and store it as a reserve, making your love handles grow. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you do not abuse the fruit and limit yourself to the recommendation of taking between 2 and 4 pieces a day. And in case you want to lose a few kilos, it is best that you choose those varieties with a lower sugar content.

Be careful with the juices!

Juices, even natural ones, have a much higher percentage of sugar than fruits. It is better to take them from time to time. And be very careful with the packaged juices that we find in supermarkets, one of the 15 foods that have more sugar than you think.

  • Very rich in sugar. Most of the juices that are commercialized concentrate the sugar because the fiber is discarded. Also, manufacturers can add more to correct acidic flavors, so you can find up to 5 teaspoons of sugar for each glass of these juices. Above all, avoid nectars because they can contain up to 20% sugar. And a fun fact: do you know that a "freshly squeezed" orange juice can be up to 2 years old?

And the fruits in syrup …

If you take the pineapple or peach together with the syrup, with a serving you eat about 40 g of sugar, that is, about 200 calories. Try to take this type of fruit very occasionally and drain the syrup to consume only the fruit as dry as possible. And if you don't like the acidic flavor of this one, you can try baking pears or apples.