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Sara carbonero on instagram: the worst insults she has ever received

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"How thin"

"How thin"

Sara Carbonero is not one of the most hated celebrities on the Internet but still, from time to time, she has to face the 'haters'. What a mania do people have for commenting on the physique of others on the networks. Some criticize her for being "too thin" and others just the opposite. Each one is as it is!

"Very bland"

"Very bland"

While the vast majority of his followers fill their photos with positive comments and faces with eyes in the shape of hearts, others struggle to find something negative to say to him as he is "bland" or is "boring". Anyway…



Some seem to adore Sara Carbonero's hair too much, almost as if it were their own and the fact that it was cut seems to make them nauseous. If one day you decide to go short, what would happen? Surely more than one would be shocked!

"All with the same hair"

"All with the same hair"

Another of the usual criticisms that the journalist receives comes for her look changes. The truth is that the vast majority of her followers have been very much in favor of her new hair tone with light highlights (very fashionable by the way) but others …

"He has put lips"

"He has put on lips"

Sara has always had full lips and some get confused from time to time (depending on the lipstick she is wearing at all times) and accuse her of having done some retouching. As if she needed it …

"How ugly is this girl"

"How ugly is this girl"

How can anyone say that Sara is ugly? Yes it is great!

"You won't say what you've had to fight for"

"You won't say what you've had to fight for"

One of the most absurd comments we have found is this one that accuses her of not having had to fight for anything in her life because "Papa Iker" pays her everything. Really?

Insults for Iker

Insults for Iker

Some also make ugly comments about her husband, the soccer goalkeeper Iker Casillas and call him a "hick" or "uneducated" and others say that he is not a good example for being "too thin", which is what read.

"With plug we all work"

"With plug we all work"

When Sara recalled her work as a reporter during the World Cup in South Africa, some of her followers (a minority) accused her of having obtained her position by plug, when she had been in the news for years before she started dating Iker.

The most edges

The most edges

Some do not even tolerate that I put a sentence in English and they become critical without sense.

Sara Carbonero is one of the most beloved celebrities on Instagram. Her photos are always filled with comments praising her beauty and the reflections she writes, but where some see something beautiful and positive, there is always some hater who pours all his hatred (and occupies all his free time) giving his negative opinion about what he plays in that moment. These are the most absurd comments you've ever received.

The worst comments on Instagram to Sara Carbonero

  • "How thin . " People love to criticize the physique of others and it is a very ugly mania that we should all forget about. Especially because it is with those comments that he really hurts himself by not showing the bodies as they are . Sara is naturally slim, like many other women, and there is nothing wrong with that. She is like that and posing in her photos does not make an apology for extreme thinness or anything like that.
  • "You are very bland." There are those who recommend that you take inspiration from other celebrities to "improve" in their poses because they consider that you "lack spark".
  • "All with the same hair." Sara Carbonero's hair is usually the focus of the vast majority of negative comments (also many of the positive ones) and is that her recent change of look has generated a lot of controversy . She had already cut her hair a few years ago but it seems that this time she has not convinced some with her long hair either. We love it because it is up to date.
  • "How ugly is this girl." Really? Sara? Ugly? But what happens to these people?
  • "We all work with plug . " A few months ago Sara published an image with which she wanted to remember her work as a sports reporter during the Soccer World Cup in South Africa and some wanted to emphasize that had it not been for her relationship with Iker Casillas she would never have succeeded. It seems they forgot that I was working on television before.