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What is vitamin D and what foods have it

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Surely you have seen more than once in the supermarket products enriched with vitamin D. And it is that its lack is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies of the population even though it is essential for health and super easy to obtain.

Vitamin D: what is it for and what is it

Vitamin D is one of the essential compounds for the absorption and fixation of calcium and phosphorus in the bones and, therefore, essential for good bone health as well as to prevent osteoporosis.

Other benefits of vitamin D

Aside from being key to your bones, it is also beneficial for overall health.

  • It is necessary for the functioning of the immune system.
  • It intervenes in the regulation of stress and prevents depression.
  • According to a study by epidemiologists from the Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, the United States reduces the risk of early menopause (before age 45).
  • And a lack of vitamin D has been shown to increase the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's, as well as some tumors and autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

Where can we find it?

Good and bad news. The good news is that the main source of vitamin D is the sun. It is considered that 90% of this vitamin is obtained by exposing ourselves to the sun's rays, which is why it is also known as the sun vitamin.

The bad news is that, despite the fact that this source is abundant and accessible, most people are deficient in vitamin D. And especially women during menopause: 64% suffer from deficiency, and precisely at a stage in which the lack of estrogens already jeopardizes bone and heart health and there is a greater propensity for obesity. Find out if you have a deficit with the 6 signs to detect if you lack vitamin D.

To alleviate it, it is recommended to sunbathe daily; in winter up to 130 minutes only the face, hands and neck, and in summer, 10 minutes is enough exposing arms, as explained by Mª Antonia Serrano Jareño, Member of the Solar Radiation Group of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and main author of a study on the subject. And the other way that you don't miss it is to include foods rich in vitamin D.

Foods with vitamin D

  • Cod liver oil. A simple tablespoon covers the daily needs of vitamin D.
  • Blue Fish. Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines or mackerel are the foods that contain the most vitamin D.
  • Shellfish Oysters, prawns, prawns, clams …
  • Liver. Animal-based liver, such as chicken, rabbit, or beef, also contains plenty of vitamin D.
  • Dairy products. Whole milk, whole yogurts, cheese and butter also provide it. The skim versions, no.
  • Eggs It is concentrated in the yolk. If you only use the whites you will not take advantage of their vitamin D.
  • Mushrooms Mushrooms and other mushrooms are also rich in this vitamin, but only if they have been exposed to the sun. If you buy them in the supermarket (they are usually grown) put them to "sunbathe" for a while.
  • Avocado. It is the main source of vitamin D of plant origin, but there are studies that question it.
  • Wheat germ. It is the other essential source for vegan vegetarians, but as with avocado, there are mixed opinions about it.

If you want to know all the details about these foods and much more, this is it. And if you wonder about the possibility of stopping taking supplements in summer given that it is very sunny, you have to read this to find out.