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What is vaginal ph? We explain everything you need to know.

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The health of your vagina matters

The health of your vagina matters

Sit back because we have to talk about vaginal pH . You've probably heard of it but you haven't paid much attention to it, have you? Error! In this article we are going to explain what it means to have a healthy vagina and what you can do to keep it in balance. Shall we start?

What is vaginal pH?

What is vaginal pH?

To be able to talk about vaginal pH, we have to explain what pH is. It is the symbol that indicates the concentration of hydronium ions present in a solution and, therefore, expresses the degree of acidity of a solution. Likewise, vaginal pH informs us of the concentration of ions in the vaginal mucosa so that we can know the degree of acidity that the vagina presents. In addition, it is the defense that the vagina uses against infections and other discomforts. Treat it as a body protection system to pay attention to.

How to measure it?

How to measure it?

If you want to measure vaginal pH, you can use litmus paper strips that indicate the degree of acidity of a sample of fluid from the vagina (you will find them at any pharmacy). They detect infections: they stick to underwear and, when they come into contact with vaginal discharge, they change color. It is an easy and simple way to measure pH, but if you want to be sure and know what state you are in, we recommend that you go to the gynecologist.

What does it mean to have a healthy vagina?

What does it mean to have a healthy vagina?

A healthy vagina should be at pH levels between 3.8 and 4.5. Of course, vaginal pH varies throughout life. During the fertile season it is between 4.5 and 5, before menarche and during menopause it is practically neutral (around 7), while during menstruation it rises slightly and is between 6.8 and 7.2 and is more acid during pregnancy (4 to 4.5). The alkalinity increases from 7 upwards, while from 7 downwards the acidity increases.

The pH imbalance

The pH imbalance

An unbalanced vaginal pH can promote the growth of harmful microorganisms in the vagina. It is very important that your gynecologist determines the vaginal pH value and, if it is altered, proceed to normalize it. The high pH favors the appearance of inflammations, itching, a more intense smell and more flow than usual.

Photo: Noah Buscher via Unsplash

What are the symptoms?

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms that indicate an alternation of vaginal flora and pH (and probably a vaginal infection) are usually itchy sensation, irritation, abnormal discharge (more abundant) and a bad smell, redness and even vaginal pain. Next, we will tell you how to maintain a correct vaginal pH to prevent infections.

Good hygiene

Good hygiene

To maintain a balanced pH, the most important thing is to have good personal hygiene. It is not advisable to use body soap for intimate hygiene, since the pH levels are higher in normal soaps. Remember that you should clean your vaginal region from front to back and not the other way around. Forget about douching, as they wash away normal vaginal flora and can remove "good bacteria" from the vagina, allowing harmful bacteria to multiply.

Photo: Bruce Mars via Unsplash

Underwear matters

Underwear matters

When it comes to underwear you must take into account its material. Specialists recommend that it be made of cotton and that it is not too tight so as not to impede perspiration. The vulva is an area that sweats a lot, so if it doesn't perspire, we are making it easier for infections to appear. During the summer it is not advisable to leave wet bathing clothes on for a long time. In fact, it is the main cause of the appearance of vaginal yeast infection, an infection that causes irritation and itching in the vagina and vulva.

Tampons? Yes, but …

Tampons? Yes, but …

Can you use tampons? Of course! But keep in mind that it should not take more than four hours. Tampons absorb the discharge and, with it, bacteria (both good and bad). Leaving them on overnight increases the chances of a possible vaginal infection.

What about sex?

What about sex?

Don't worry: several studies have linked an active sex life with lower and adequate pH values. Of course, when semen, with a pH between 7.1 and 8, comes into contact with the vagina, it can alter its natural balance. The solution? The condoms! Not only will they protect you from common sexually transmitted diseases, but they will also help you avoid other types of infections, such as bacterial vaginosis (an infection that can occur when the balance between the different types of healthy bacteria in the body is disturbed. vagina). So you can enjoy your sex life without having to worry about anything.

Discover all the questions that you would like to ask your gynecologist but do not dare to ask them.

Home remedies

Home remedies

Sage leaves reduce irritation to the skin in the external areas of the vagina and help restore its balance. Likewise, they help reduce the excessive production of fluids and strong odors. Make an infusion with the sage leaves and apply the liquid on the intimate area (as an external rinse) twice a day until symptoms relieve.

The best products to keep the pH balanced

The best products to keep the pH balanced

But beyond the home remedies, there are multiple products that will help you take care of your intimate hygiene and maintain a balanced vaginal pH . Discover the ones we have selected for you!

menstrual cup

menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is comfortable, healthy and reusable. It reduces the risk of recurrent yeast infections and can take up to 12 hours. In addition, it does not modify the pH and does not interfere with the vaginal flora.

Enna's vaginal cup, € 25.65

For women in fertile stage

For women in fertile stage

Remember that you must bet on a suitable hygiene product. This gel indicated for women in fertile stage has protective and moisturizing properties and its pH is acidic (3.8).

Rilastil Cumlaude Gel, € 8.30

With natural menthol

With natural menthol

With natural menthol that produces a refreshing action and with an anti-odor molecule. It respects the natural physiological balance of the mucous membranes. Perfect if you play sports, sweat a lot or during menstruation. With pH 5.

Chilly Refreshing Gel, € 3.95

Strengthens natural defenses

Strengthens natural defenses

With GynoPrebiotic, a complex that helps maintain a healthy intimate pH and reinforce natural defenses. Helps prevent irritation and discomfort.

Vagisil pH Balance, € 3.70

From the age of 40

From the age of 40

Provides nutrition and hydration instantly. Indicated for women during menopause and from the age of 40 or at any stage in which episodes of vaginal dryness appear.

Lactacyd moisturizing gel, € 6.80



Reduces inflammation, is antibacterial and softening. Provides a feeling of freshness and comfort throughout the day.

Regal Silhouette Gel, € 11.90

Intimate wipes

Intimate wipes

Get some intimate wipes to feel fresh and protected away from home. Without soap or alcohol. They respect the natural balance and protection of your intimate area.

Babaria intimate wipes, € 2.49

Listen to your vagina

Listen to your vagina

Itching, irritation, pain … Your vagina can "complain" in many ways and it is important to listen to it to avoid problems such as infections. We help you decipher the most common "messages" that your vagina can send you so that you can identify them and discover what you should do to solve it.

Do you feel irritation "down there"? Itching? Abnormal flow? It may be that the vaginal pH is out of balance. To start: calm down, don't panic. It is much more frequent than you think. Therefore, in this article we tell you what is vaginal pH and what it means to have a healthy vagina. Do not miss it!

EVERYTHING you need to know about vaginal pH

The vaginal pH helps us to know the degree of acidity that the vagina presents. It is a body protection system that you have to pay attention to. A healthy vagina should be at pH levels between 3.8 and 4.5, but we must emphasize that vaginal pH varies throughout life. If it is unbalanced, infection, itching, a stronger odor, and more discharge than usual may appear. If you notice irritation "down there", see your doctor to determine the vaginal pH value and, if it is altered, proceed to normalize it.

What to do to have a healthy vagina

  • Things as they are: the most important thing is to have good personal hygiene. Do not use the body soap for intimate hygiene and forget about douching. Bet on a suitable intimate gel.
  • Wear cotton underwear so you don't impede perspiration. During the summer, it is not highly recommended to leave wet swimwear on for a long time.
  • Don't worry, you can continue using tampons, but keep in mind that they should not be worn for more than four hours to avoid promoting the chances of a possible vaginal infection.
  • What about sex? Semen can alter vaginal pH. That is why the use of condoms is recommended: they will not only protect you from sexually transmitted diseases, but they will also help you avoid other types of infections, such as bacterial vaginosis.