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Why are some people thin and others fat? science responds

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If you get angry having to watch every last calorie you take to avoid that the button on your pants does not jump at the first change (feeding) while you have a friend who does not get fat even by shots (the ones you would shoot every time that you see her swallow), that you know that yes, as you have suspected, she is playing with marked cards.

A study from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), led by Dr. Saraf Farooqi, has shown that genetics have a lot to do with the fact that there are people who have it easier to stay slim than others.

Genes have the answer

It was already known that certain genes made it easier to get fat and that faulty genes led to obesity even at an early age. But these studies had always been done with overweight and obese people.

This British study has focused on thin and healthy people and has scientifically shown that they have fewer genes that lead to weight gain and, instead, have others that make them less interested in food or that they can eat without gaining weight.

The good news is that by demonstrating this, it is closer to finding strategies to help maintain weight for people who have not won the "genetic lottery" and gain weight easily.

Anyway, think that heredity is not everything and that lifestyle is also very important to be healthy and slim. If you need to lose some weight, we recommend that you take care of your diet and lifestyle. If you need to do some diet, choose one that suits your needs. You can start by taking our test to find your ideal diet to lose weight, which is endorsed by the Nutritionist Doctor Mª Isabel Beltrán.