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Do you sweat a lot? we tell you how to sweat less

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We sweat because our body uses this mechanism to lower its temperature when it is hot. It is something natural but it can get uncomfortable, especially in summer. For this reason, perfumery shelves are full of deodorants and antiperspirants, although they are not always enough to make us feel good. And we ask ourselves: how to sweat less? That gives rise to many answers, some are true, and others, myths without foundation. We tell you what is true and what is not and most importantly, how you can get less sweat.

1. Sweat because there are extra kilos

Reality. Excess weight means having more accumulated fat and a higher availability of fuel (calories) to burn, which makes you sweat more. Eating a balanced diet and increasing the exercise we do can help us lose weight, and this will lead us to better regulate our body temperature and sweat less. Do not miss these 7 tricks to burn fat.

2. Everyone sweats the same

Myth.There are people with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis (3% of the world population). The main cause is the inability of your body to thermoregulate, causing five times more sweat in the armpits, palms of the hands and feet and scalp. If you have this problem, in addition to extreme hygiene, consult your doctor. Botox injections can control hyperhidrosis for half a year. Botulinum toxin is pricked into the axillary glands. As they produce sweat, the neurological impulses that stimulate it are inhibited and secretion is reduced by up to 80%. The effects are noticeable in 24-48 hours. It costs about € 700. The laser is a quick and painless technique. With a point of local anesthesia and a 2 mm incision, the sweat glands that oversecrete are selectively destroyed. In a week,sweating also decreases by about 80%. The price is around € 1,400.

3. Nerves make you sweat more

Reality. When you feel anxious or live a moment of tension, your breathing and your heart rate accelerate. Increased blood pumping, increased oxygenation, and energy consumption result in increased heat and, with it, increased sweating. The solution is to stay calm. Focusing on your breathing can help you in times of stress. Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment and slowly release it while you focus your attention on this process. It can also help you solve the situation by visualizing a place that gives you calm, such as a deserted beach, and concentrating on the coming and going of the waves.

4. The armpit sweats the most

Myth. Armpit sweat only accounts for 1% of total body perspiration. You can see more because heat is trapped in this area and evaporation is slower, which can leave a visible wet spot. Your glands (the apocrines) are activated by exercise or strong emotion. In contrast, eccrines are found in the rest of the skin (face, head, hands, feet …) and the sweat they produce is 99% water. They are responsible for thermoregulation and act with greater intensity in those situations in which we need to cool down. Therefore, when it is hot, we do not have to consider only this area, but the whole body, uncovering the feet with sandals or covering the head with straw hats instead of more fitted caps.

5. Drinking lots of water makes you sweat more

Myth. In fact, if you don't drink enough, your body can't cool down, so your body will sweat more to try to lower your body temperature. So try to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day and even a little more in summer. Is it difficult for you to drink water? With these tricks, you won't even notice.

6. The spicy makes me sweat

Reality. The capsaicin in the spice makes the body temperature rise, making it an excellent fat burner, but … a bad travel companion if we have problems with sweating. The ideal thing in times that we sweat more is to refrain from taking spicy, at least if we are not at home and we cannot take a good shower and change clothes. Find out what other fat burning foods make you sweat more.

7. Clothes do not affect

Myth. Garments made with synthetic fibers - especially if they are tight to the armpits - make you sweat more. To avoid this, it is best to wear loose cotton clothing, which allows the skin to breathe better and sweat to evaporate naturally, without impregnating the clothing or leaving streaks. Other natural fabrics such as silk or linen are also recommended.