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Claves para ordenar el baño y relajarte

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Aprovecha el espacio bajo el lavamanos

Aprovecha el espacio bajo el lavamanos

Lo que uses menos ponlo en los estantes inferiores. Puedes dejar en la encimera lo que utilices a diario, pero agrupado en bandejas o cajitas.

Si tienes estantes abiertos…

Si tienes estantes abiertos…

Guarda las cosas en cajas o cestos. Si los eliges iguales o parecidos dan mayor sensación de orden.

No acumules botes

No acumules botes

Con tener un bote de champú, uno de gel… es suficiente. No acumules repuestos. Si un bote tiene polvo es señal clara de que puedes tirarlo.

Si pones cajones…

Si pones cajones…

Tendrás mayor sensación de orden y protegerás su interior del polvo y la humedad.

Agrupa y vencerás

Agrupa y vencerás

Coloca dentro de los cajones cajas, cestas o bandejas con compartimentos para guardar agrupados los productos de higiene y los accesorios. Te será especialmente útil para objetos pequeños como horquillas o coleteros.

Con altura y de extracción total

Con altura y de extracción total

Un cajón de unos 30 cm de altura te permitirá guardar en él botes grandes como el del gel de baño. Elige cajones de extracción total; te será fácil llegar a las cosas y mantenerlas en orden.

Armarios altos camuflados

Armarios altos camuflados

Si optas por un armario con puertas de espejo, ganas espacio sin cargarlo visualmente.

Maquillaje y productos de higiene

Maquillaje y productos de higiene

El maquillaje y los productos de higiene personal también caducan. Mira en la parte posterior. El número que ponen junto a un bote abierto indica los meses que se mantiene en buenas condiciones una vez abierto.

Dobla bien las toallas

Dobla bien las toallas

En armarios, estantes y cajones, ponlas con el doblez hacia fuera para que no se desdoblen al sacarlas. Las de mano, puedes enrollarlas para que ocupen menos y meterlas en un cesto.

Aprovecha los laterales

Aprovecha los laterales

En los laterales del mueble bajolavabo, puedes poner toalleros, ganchos o cestas colgantes.

En las zonas muertas…

En las zonas muertas…

Como columnas, pilares y paredes de las zonas de paso, puedes colocar ganchos para colgar toallas, albornoces…

Multiplica el espacio

Multiplica el espacio

Placing towel racks just below the sink. And behind shelves with the spare towels.

Zone difference

Zone difference

If you put spacers like a low wall between the sink and the toilet, it will give you a clean and tidy feeling, and you can take advantage of it to place things on top or on the sides: the towel rail, the roll holder …

Take advantage of the doors

Take advantage of the doors

They are an ideal place to put hangers for towels, bathrobes … And, in addition, they provide privacy to the room.

Electric towel racks

Electric towel racks

The heated towel rail radiators help keep your towels dry and tidy.

Mobile elements

Mobile elements

Carts and ladders help keep the space tidy and with everything close at hand. The stairs, in addition to being a towel rack, are used to store clothes, or as a makeshift clothesline for a rainy day.

Take advantage of the corners …

Take advantage of the corners …

With shelves and cabinets. This way you will gain space in an area that is not used and that will help maintain order within the set.

Bridge type trays

Bridge type trays

They are ideal if you take a bath to have everything at hand and to be able to really relax without having to be in and out to get things. It also avoids leaving them on the floor next to the tub. And they take up almost no space.

Multipurpose stools

Multipurpose stools

They are ideal for the little ones to reach the sink, to sit while you undress or do the pedicure, or to leave things on top when you shower.

The dryer and the hair straighteners

The dryer and the hair straighteners

Hang them on specific supports on the wall, or inside cabinets with cloth or plastic organizers.

Underbasin cabinet

  • Sort according to use. Whatever you use less, put it on the lower shelves. You can leave on the countertop what you use daily, but grouped in trays or boxes.
  • Take advantage of the sides. You can place a towel rack or hang baskets to store things. In some furniture it is also possible to place hooks on the inside of the doors.
  • If you have open shelves. Store things in boxes or baskets. If they are the same or similar they give a greater sense of order.

Drawers in order: Group and conquer

  • By groups. Place boxes, baskets or trays with compartments inside the drawers to store hygiene products and accessories together. It will be especially useful for small items, such as hairpins or hair ties.
  • With height. A drawer about 30 cm high will allow you to store large cans such as bath gel in it. Choose full extraction drawers; It will be easy for you to get to things and keep them in order.

Don't rack up jackpots. Clean up and free up space

  • One of each. With having a bottle of shampoo, one of gel, etc. It's enough. Don't stockpile spares. If a boat has dust it is a clear sign that you can throw it away.
  • Check the expiration date. Makeup and personal hygiene products also expire. On the back, the number next to an open jar indicates the months it has been kept in good condition once opened.
  • Samples Throw them away. Save just a couple of them for your toiletry bag. And next time, don't take them.

Avoid accumulating hygiene products, they take up space and may end up expiring

Towels, just right (and in good condition)

  • Throw the old ones. It is enough that you leave only one set of removable and another one in case you have visitors.
  • Fold them well. In cabinets and shelves, put them with the fold out so that they do not unfold when you remove them. The hand ones, roll them up so that they occupy less and put them in a basket.
  • Protect them from moisture. Ideally, you should keep clean towels outside of the bathroom. After using them, you should spread them out to dry. Electric towel racks are a good option.

If there are many of you at home, label the towels with colored ribbons to find out whose they are

Where to store all the accessories and beauty utensils?

  • Metal objects. Like hairpins, tweezers, scissors … Place a magnetic strip on the wall or the side of a piece of furniture and stick all those objects to it.
  • Take advantage of mismatched coffee cups. They are very useful for storing small objects such as tweezers, eye contour tubes …
  • The dryer and the hair straighteners. Hang them on specific supports on the wall, in the cabinets … Another option is the cloth or plastic organizers hanging from the bathroom door. Also use them for brushes. If you use them little, keep them in boxes in a closet.

Clara trick

Adapted to the smallest of the house

Put a low stool so they reach the sink. If there are several children, assign each one a bottle with their toothbrush and toothpaste. And the toys for the bath put them in a net bag.

And do not miss our tricks of order and cleanliness.