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Plan to tidy up your whole house in 4 hours

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Make a to-do list

Make a to-do list

I have to admit that I love planning and making lists to better organize myself when I have to face something that I don't feel like or it is difficult for me, like cleanliness and order, for example. Although some people may be discouraged from seeing a to-do list, it helps me get an overview, and as I go through it, it gives me a high every time I cross something off the list. In this way, the tedious tasks become a game or a challenge type test.

Draw up a detailed plan

Well, something similar is what we propose here: put your house in order in a very short time with a detailed plan for stays and tasks with the time necessary to do them.

  • Next, I will explain how I have organized myself and what time I have dedicated to each one of them as a guide. In total, I have only needed 4 hours.
  • And in the end, you have a downloadable one so you don't have to make the list and you can just cross out. But, of course, you can make your own list or tune ours with the stays you have and the time you want to dedicate to each one. Each house is a world.

Check utensils and cleaning products

Check utensils and cleaning products

The first thing I have done is to check that I had everything I need to get to work and also its condition to dispose of the utensils and products that I do not use, are broken or have been damaged. I don't know about you, but I'm increasingly in "Plastic Out" mode as well as banishing harmful cleaning products, and opting for household cleaning products like baking soda or vinegar, for example.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Put dirty clothes to wash

Put dirty clothes to wash

Next, I have concentrated on everything related to laundry. I have gone all over the house picking up the dirty clothes that had accumulated in some corner, as well as the bath towels and kitchen towels. I have put it together with the one that was already in the dirty clothes bucket, I have turned it over (leaving it as is one of the mistakes that damage clothes without knowing it), I have separated it by colors and types of fabric or degree of dirt, and I've put the washing machine to work while I get on with the rest.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Pick up, fold and store clean clothes

Pick up, fold and store clean clothes

Taking advantage of the fact that I was already in the laundry room, I have dedicated myself to picking up the clothes that were hanging out and, without stacking them, quickly fold them and put them in place. It's one of the tricks to never have to iron again (yes, I'm one of those people who thinks that ironing seriously harms mental health: D).

  • Time needed: 15 minutes.

Clear bathroom surfaces

Clear bathroom surfaces

Then I went to the bathroom. It is not about doing a thorough cleaning of the bathroom but about putting a little order and getting rid of everything you need. First of all, I have collected everything that had been scattered: used towels (if you had not yet put them to wash), shower soaps off your shelf, make-up remover cottons on the sink …

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Review personal hygiene products

Review personal hygiene products

I've opened the cabinets and drawers, and checked the personal hygiene products. Get rid of the ones you no longer use or are expired and sort them by categories.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Check makeup

Check makeup

Also take the opportunity to do a check-up of makeup products: brushes, shadows, bases, masks … And do the same as with personal hygiene products: get rid of what you do not use or is in poor condition.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Check the medicine cabinet

Check the medicine cabinet

Do not neglect the medicine cabinet if you have it in the bathroom as in my case. Check the expiration of the medications, put the ones that are out of date in a bag and leave it in the hall to remember to take them to the pharmacy.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Put order in the towels

Put order in the towels

And if you keep the towels in the bathroom, give them a refresher too. Check that they are well, take out the ones that are frayed or frayed, and fold the ones that you stay well so that it is easier for you to choose and remove them.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Clear kitchen surfaces

Clear kitchen surfaces

Then, I have dedicated myself to putting a little order in the kitchen (not to ordering and cleaning it thoroughly). First, I have cleared all the surfaces. That is to say, collect and store all the utensils and cans that are lost on the counter, put the dishes in their place and throw in their corresponding garbage cans, the waste and things to recycle that have been in the middle of the passage. And of course, throw away whatever is necessary.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Review the appliances

Review the appliances

I wiped the induction hob with a cloth. I checked that there was nothing left in the oven or microwave and cleaned the turntable and door. I have removed the capsules from the coffee maker and refilled the jug with water. And I have removed the crumbs from the crumb tray of the toaster. If you want a more thorough cleaning, here we tell you how to clean the oven, the extractor hood and the induction hob.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Put order in the fridge

Put order in the fridge

Then, it was the turn of the refrigerator and the freezer (5 minutes for each). It is about checking that there is nothing damaged, throwing away what is past or expired, wrapping or storing in tuppers the remains of food that can still be used and, apart from placing things in their corresponding place, ordering them so that those that are had to consume before are closer to hand. Discover here all the tricks to organize the fridge.

Time required: 10 minutes.

Go through drawers, cabinets, and pantry

Go through drawers, cabinets, and pantry

After the refrigerator, I have gone to the storage spaces: drawers, cabinets and pantry, at the rate of about 5 minutes each. I have put myself in Marie Kondo mode and I have placed to throw away or recycle some things that I have seen that they no longer worked or that I will not use. I have put all the things that I do want to keep in their spaces and compartments. And I have also taken a look at the food: checking that there was nothing expired and that what was going to spoil before was more visible.

Time needed: 15 minutes.

Look under the sink

Look under the sink

I have also spent a few minutes tidying up the area under the sink, which is where I keep cleaning products and garbage cans. As they were already full, I took out the bags and left them at the entrance so as not to forget to throw them away, I passed an absorbent kitchen paper through the bucket to remove traces of dirt and liquids (this is one of the reasons why sometimes the house smells bad), and I have put new bags.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Sort shoes

Sort shoes

My next stop was the closet, which in my case is a closet and a shoe rack in the bedroom. First, I have dedicated myself to shoes. I have put aside to throw away those broken sneakers that I always keep but do not wear and I have put the shoes that I use the most by hand, and those that are less or those that are more suitable for another season I have put them in a box that I have under the bed.

  • Time needed: 20 minutes.

Sort jackets, bags and accessories

Sort jackets, bags and accessories

Then I have put a little order in the jackets, bags and accessories. I have created a pile of things to throw away. And I have ordered the rest. For me, personally, the Marie Kondo method of organizing the closet of ordering clothes by color suits me well, because that way it is easier for me to combine them with the rest of the clothes that I am going to wear . And I have done the same with the bags, the belts and the kerchiefs and scarves.

  • Time needed: 20 minutes.

Sort everyday clothes

Sort everyday clothes

I've also taken a quick look at everyday clothes and done the color thing. But first I have separated the one that I no longer use or is in poor condition and I have added it to the pile to throw away, and the one that I do use I have folded into little packages with the trick to fold Marie Kondo's clothes. This way it is closer to hand and visible and wrinkles less!

  • Time needed: 20 minutes.

Order underwear

Order underwear

Also, I went through the underwear drawer. I have checked that there were no damaged panties, bras or socks, and the ones that were good I have sorted by outfits and colors.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Sort the bedding

Sort the bedding

As I also keep the bedding in the closet, I have also put some order. I have added to the pile of throwing those that I know I never put. And I've gathered the remaining bedding sets and put each one inside one of its cushions turned inside out, it 's one of the tricks to keep them together and, at the same time, protect them from dust.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Look under the bed

Look under the bed

In regards to the bedroom, I have started by checking under the bed. I have cornered the box that I have with the shoes so that it is not visible and I have verified that nothing had slipped underneath.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Make the bed

Make the bed

I have packed all the clothes I had piled up to throw away and carried them to the entrance. And I've also changed the sheets on the bed. But keep in mind that the simple act of stretching the sheets and positioning the cushions correctly is one of the things you can do in a minute to keep the house clean and tidy.

  • Time required: 10 minutes.

Clear the bedside table

Clear the bedside table

And lastly I have checked the bedside table. I brought to the kitchen a cup of tea that I had left for me. And of all the books that I had accumulated, I have only left the one that I am reading now.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Fix the sofa

Fix the sofa

In the living room, I have started by shaking and placing the cushions and plaids well.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Clear the coffee table and occasional furniture

Clear the coffee table and occasional furniture

Then I have cleared the coffee table in the living room and the furniture that I have next to the sofa and the TV. So that order does not prevail, I have a tray on the coffee table that allows me to carry things more easily. And the controls for the TV and the chargers I keep in a cloth accessory with pockets on the arm of the sofa.

  • Time required: 5 minutes.

Sort the work area

Sort the work area

In one corner of the living room, I have a work area with a desk and a bookcase next to it. First I have cleared the table, putting everything in its place (about 5 minutes), then I have classified the paperwork that had accumulated by filing the invoices and other documents that I wanted to save and taking the rest to recycle (5 more minutes), and I've finally given a quick look at the shelf where I have the books and music CDs (another 5 minutes). Here you have everything you need to organize a work area and keep it in order.

Time needed: 15 minutes.

Take a look at the plants

Take a look at the plants

And finally I have spent a few minutes to see how the indoor plants were. I have removed the damaged leaves, I have put a finger in the soil to check if it was dry and, if it was, water it, and I have emptied the dishes that had accumulated water, since most of the plants cannot stand waterlogging.

Time required: 5 minutes.