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Hello new home: detox plan to tidy up and clean your house without stress

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Give a new look to your house

Give a new look to your house

Returning to the routine is a good time to give your home a new look. And the first step in doing that is getting rid of what you don't need. Put sentimentality aside and start throwing things away!

In the kitchen…

In the kitchen…

Banish everything you don't use: promotional cups and glasses, plastic and paper bags (instead of accumulating them, use them to take things to recycle) , and do not leave a container that does not have a lid.

Fridge and freezer

Fridge and freezer

The ideal is to clean the refrigerator and freezer when they are almost empty, so the previous days cook with what you have in them. Fill the gaps with ice packs to avoid wasting too much energy. And when food is low, put it in a picnic cooler and clean the inside well.

To the garbage!

To the garbage!

All those foods that you accumulate in tuppers for an eternity and that are already mummified, expired foods, the ketchup or soy envelopes that you accumulate, sauces that you rarely use …

In the bathroom…

In the bathroom…

If you're not going to go back to the beach or the pool, throw away your sunscreen. And take the opportunity to also throw away the bottles of soaps and cosmetics that you have not used for a long time and all those samples that you accumulate without end.

Check the medicine cabinet

Check the medicine cabinet

The medicine cabinet is one of the great forgotten. Check the expiration dates of the medications, and those that are already out of date take them to a collection point.

Check your toiletry bag

Check your toiletry bag

You can also take the opportunity to give your makeup bag a good review and get rid of everything that is expired or you no longer use.

Goodbye to summer clothes …

Goodbye to summer clothes …

And all the ones you don't wear! Take advantage of the wardrobe change to donate or throw away what you have not worn this summer. To make your task easier, you can make 3 piles: throw, put away and fix, and follow other tricks of the Marie Kondo method of organizing the closet.

Looking to the future

Looking to the future

When hanging winter clothes, put all the hangers facing the same direction, and when you use them turn them over. Those that remain in the initial position in 6 months, out.

No to repetitions

No to repetitions

If you have a lot of clothes of the same type, make up your mind and keep only 2 or 3.



Throw away old towels and sheets you collect without realizing it. With having a pair, removable, enough.

Clear the work area

Clear the work area

The more orderly and clear this area is, the greater your concentration (and the game you can get from it).

Material from the previous course

Material from the previous course

Review it with your children and keep only what is useful for the new course. Also throw away the pens and markers that do not paint, the notebooks that are finished …

Drawings and crafts, the righteous

Drawings and crafts, the righteous

Make a selection to save your children's drawings and crafts and the rest throw them away or hang them on the wall, give them to relatives …

Check the toys

Check the toys

Donate those that no longer fit the age of your children or with whom they do not play, and throw away those that are broken or those that are missing a piece.

With all these tricks you have seen, it is clear that you do not have to be Marie Kondo, the author of the bestseller The Magic of Order to purify and clean the house and make it look like new! But there is still more.

Order and cleanliness at home: Essential keys to the detox plan

  • Keep only the essentials. If you think about it coldly, we use a very low percentage of everything we have (clothes, food, kitchen utensils, cleaning products, hygiene or beauty …). Why accumulate so much?
  • Get rid of everything you don't need. Either because you don't use it, it doesn't work or it's expired or in bad condition … And, above all, it also banishes the "just in case …" from your mind: "In case I wear it one day, just in case I take to fix, in case the other one breaks, in case I go to the Moon … ". Error!
  • Clear to gain quality of life. The less is more is not just a cool phrase. It is proven that living with the right makes us feel lighter, free and happy. And especially it helps you focus and rest. In the same way that when you hear many people speaking at the same time, it is difficult for you to understand what they are saying, the more things you have in sight without order or concert, the more difficult it is to maintain your attention and relax.
  • Plan strategies that stand up to accumulation. Like, for example, turning the hangers of the things you use to check, after a while, which ones you haven't worn in months …

And make a plan to keep the junk at bay

Perhaps you should be thinking that all that pile of ornaments and objects that are useless could leave the house …

  • Souvenirs. That Eiffel Tower that someone brought you from Paris, the mini sewing kit they gave you at a wedding … Do you really need to keep them?
  • Old chargers If you no longer have your phone, throw it away. And also those cables that you no longer remember what they are for and old batteries and bulbs.
  • Old magazines and publications. Cut out what you find interesting and the rest, recycle.
  • Books, CDs, DVDs … Save only the ones you liked a lot, and remember that even those you can see or listen to again through online platforms or in electronic format.

Make a selection of magazines, drawings, stories … keep them in order and renew them.