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Paula echevarría in the May issue of Clara magazine

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We have been in confinement for more than a month and, although it is still hard, we try to handle it in the best possible way. We recognize that the first two weeks got a bit out of hand and we didn't leave a minute free a day … Our free time was based on training at home every day, preparing and practicing new recipes, tidying up all the cupboards at home , read the books that we had pending, clean the house, paint mandalas and drawings, … Buff!

Luckily, from the 15th our head decided that it was enough and we decided to put the brakes on. Do you need to be doing things 24 hours a day? Do you need to feel productive all the time? No, it's not necessary. Can we take days off and have a serial marathon or read our favorite magazine three times in a row? Yes, we can, and we must! Don't feel bad if one day you don't feel like doing anything, dedicate it to yourself. Listen to yourself, pamper yourself and hey, tomorrow will be another day!

Paula Echevarría cover of the May issue

So we arrived at the best time to present you the new issue of the CLARA Magazine, with Paula Echevarría on the cover . The colors fill us with energy and positivity to the full, and we love her, so this cover is just what we need!

What will you find in the May issue? Well, as always, CLARA is perfect for anyone because we have content for all tastes. Fashion, beauty, nutrition, health, diet, exercise, psychology … What do you fancy today?

We have the keys that will help you sleep better these days because surely you notice that it is difficult for you to fall asleep, you wake up several times throughout the night or you do not get enough rest … Do not worry, it is totally normal!

Do not miss the tricks to make the most of your money , the easiest and most delicious recipes you can make with what you have in the pantry and the best ideas to set up your gym at home effortlessly.

Ah! You can also take advantage of confinement to do our detox diet and eliminate fluids and toxins to feel lighter. Also, discover the latest to cover gray hair at home, the infallible beauty routines for skin and body and the keys to be happier and say goodbye to anxiety. All this and much more in the May issue of your CLARA Magazine.

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And if you feel like it, take part in our viral challenge #miprimerbesoCLARA and tell us who you will give the first kiss to as soon as we leave confinement. We want to create a huge chain of kisses and love, can you help us?