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Pastel de salmón fresco y judías verdes

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120 g de judías verdes
1 cebolleta
½ puerro
2 dientes de ajo
500 g de salmón sin espinas ni piel
4 huevos
150 ml de nata líquida
Sal y pimienta
Aceite de oliva
Unas ramitas de eneldo

Los pasteles de pescado como nuestro pastel de salmón fresco y judías verdes tienen varias cualidades que los hacen ideales como plato único o para el tupper.

On the one hand, they are super energetic thanks to the sum of fish, egg and cream. A sum that together with the contribution of vegetables - either in the mixture itself or as an accompaniment when serving - makes these cakes a dish full of energy and with all the necessary nutrients.

And on the other hand, they are super easy to make and very practical because, as they are baked and can be eaten cold, you can have them prepared in advance and take them anywhere without worrying about whether you can reheat it or not.

How to do it step by step

  1. Clean and poach. First, peel the chives and leeks, and wash them. Peel the garlic cloves as well. And finely chop the 3 vegetables and fry them in a background of oil for about 8 minutes or so. Then add the salmon, washed and diced, to the whole. Salt and pepper it and fry it for about 3 or 4 minutes.
  2. Prepare the beans. First of all, clean the beans, wash and chop them. Then, cook them for a few seconds in boiling salty water and, finally, immediately cool them in ice water.
  3. Make the cake. Blend the salmon and vegetables together with the beaten eggs, cream and salt. Add the beans, stir and pour the mixture into a long mold, previously greased with oil.
  4. And bake. Bake the cake for about 45 minutes, in a water bath, in the oven preheated to 180º. Let it cool, remove it from the mold and cut it into cubes. Serve it decorated with the dill, washed and chopped.

Clara trick

Cake at its point

To find out if the cake is set, insert a toothpick in the center. If it does not come out clean, continue cooking for a few minutes.