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Loss of smell and taste: how to know if it is due to coronavirus or cold

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Loss of smell and taste was not recognized as one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, but it has already entered the list of indicators of the disease . It is a symptom that does not usually occur with the same frequency as fever, cough, shortness of breath or general malaise, but it is quite significant.

"Despite not appearing in all patients, anosmia (complete loss of smell) is already considered one of the typical symptoms of coronavirus, " explains Jesús Sánchez Martos, former Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid , doctor in Medicine and Surgery , graduated in Nursing and Professor of Education for Health at the Complutense University of Madrid. “As with the rest of the symptoms of COVID-19, it does not appear in all cases . I always say that there are no illnesses, but illnesses. Each ailment occurs in a different way in each patient; especially a disease like this one, which is so influenced by the immune system ”.

How to identify if the loss of smell may be due to coronavirus

New research carried out by a group of European experts maintains that the lack of odor is not the same in the coronavirus as in flu and catarrhal processes .

This study published by the medical journal Rhinology argues that unlike most upper respiratory infections, the loss of smell from the coronavirus is not mucus, is much deeper than that experienced during a common cold, and usually goes associated with the inability to detect sweet or sour flavors .

In this sense, Dr. Sánchez Martos points out: “All viral diseases that cause alternations in the nasal turbinates can affect smell, but generally obstruct the nasal passages. Both colds and allergies tend to have a lot of mucus, while COVID-19 patients with anosmia tend to breathe freely . "

This finding is very interesting for an early diagnosis . In no case can this assessment replace the result of a PCR or other conclusive test, but it is a good alternative when conventional tests are not available and rapid detection is needed.

What to do if you have this or other symptoms associated with the coronavirus

If you notice that you have suddenly lost your smell and taste and have any other symptoms related to the coronavirus, contact your health center to follow their indications . Most likely, they will tell you to isolate yourself until you confirm whether or not you have the disease.

People with a fever, cough, or shortness of breath should seek medical attention. If this is your case, to clear up any doubts, call 112 or the telephone number enabled for these questions in your Autonomous Community.