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Tricks of the influencers of order and cleanliness that will make your life easy and beautiful

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HOW TO ORDER YOUR PAPERS by @ordenylimpiéencasa

HOW TO ORDER YOUR PAPERS by @ordenylimpiéencasa

We love following Alicia Iglesias' account because she always shares tips to organize and clean in a sustainable way in the Zero Waste line. On her YouTube channel you will find tips as practical as this to sort and organize papers, invoices and all kinds of documents:

“4 years ago I decided to go digital with all the papers. Since then, scan, Google drive and Dropbox have been my best allies. Having applications is not the revelation because, no matter how much app you have, if you don't have the papers sorted, it doesn't work.

In my case, I sort the papers by folders. Two big ones: Personal and Company. Within personnel, Health, Banks, House, miscellaneous and in the company folder, for years and quarters ”.


HOW TO ORDER YOUR DRAWERS by @ordenotucasa

HOW TO ORDER YOUR DRAWERS by @ordenotucasa

This professional organizer shares super practical advice on her Instagram account and also sells a lot of super useful gadgets to order on her website. As for the drawers, her recommendations are:

“Drawers are often a source of clutter. The solution?

  • Take it all out
  • Throw away everything you don't use or don't belong in that drawer.
  • Clean it up.
  • Fill it with clear organizer trays
  • Classify and put by categories in each of the trays "




Vanesa Travieso was trained with Marie Kondo herself and, how could it be otherwise, defends the vertical bending tooth and nail:

"Because you see everything, because you optimize the space, because it helps you to know what you have, because it is organized, because it gives you the option to choose quickly, because it helps you not to waste time, because wrinkles exist so much if you fold vertically as if you do it horizontally and because it is a great pleasure and it makes you happier to open the drawer and find it like that ”.


HOW TO EDUCATE CHILDREN ORDERED by @ lauracrespo.orden

HOW TO EDUCATE CHILDREN ORDERED by @ lauracrespo.orden

We love Laura Crespo's account where she alternates practical advice, tips, motivational phrases and everything she knows about order and cleanliness at home. Is a house with children an unconquerable territory? Definitely not if you do good teamwork:

"Getting children used to organizing their things is laying the foundations for them to be orderly adults, and they can apply it to all aspects of their lives."

@ lauracrespo.orden



@ordenyconcierto is another of the professional organizers that inspires us the most to have every corner of the house perfect. Not forgetting the bathrooms!

"Separating the bath products by the part of the body where they are applied is a very practical way of keeping them organized and always knowing what we have and what we lack in order not to exceed".

For more ideas, check out these Marie Kondo-approved bathroom organizers.

Photo @justanothermummyblog

HOW TO DO AN ENERGY CLEAN by @bohomfengshui

HOW TO DO AN ENERGY CLEAN by @bohomfengshui

The advice shared by Marta Bellés, a classic Feng Shui consultant, on her Instagram account will ensure that you live in a cleaner, more orderly and balanced house. We love them!

“There is something just as important as physical cleansing and that is energy cleansing. It is recommended to do it at least once a month or even more if we are going through a time of stress or worry.

Pick a day when you are calm. Close doors and windows, do not play music, avoid distractions such as the cell phone and the doorbell.

Prepare lukewarm water in a bucket, 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt, apple cider vinegar and a few drops of purifying essential oil, citrus fruits are ideal for this. We are going to use this mixture to clean walls, floors and corners, the latter is where more energy is stored, so I suggest you do 2 passes.

Clean from the room furthest from the front door all the way to the front door, going clockwise. Use the same mixture to clean all objects, pictures, baskets, furniture, etc. It is important that you change the bucket of water, at least 1 time per stay. At the end, throw the dirty water down the toilet and finish by throwing 1 liter of vinegar in all the drains in the house. Let it air out for about 1 hour. Then, you can go back and … voila! Your house will be with a very high energy ”.




This tidy and clean influencer from Argentina has a legion of followers on Instagram. And it is that, his super funny photos and his advice are great:

“A clean and orderly house helps us to gain quality of life. However, there are also many people who LIVE by and for their home. The house is to live it, not for it to live you.

  • Organize, plan and prioritize. This tip works for everything.
  • Find your own routine.
  • Ask for help and don't overload yourself with everything alone.
  • Take order and cleanliness as something comforting; don't see it as a punishment.
  • Don't put off something you don't like doing until tomorrow … and then the day after tomorrow …
  • Less is more. The less you have, the less it gets dirty.
  • Focus on the end goal. Don't get lost in details.
  • Get motivated with music. Look for my “Clean Up Music” playlist on Spotify! ”.


HOW TO ORDER A ROOM IN 10 MINUTES by @ordenstudio

HOW TO ORDER A ROOM IN 10 MINUTES by @ordenstudio

We love Adelaida Gómez's Instagram account because she always shares useful and interesting infographics:

“Keeping the room clean and tidy in a short time is the battle of every day, but a good way to do it is not to clutter it and have it clean from the beginning. How do you do it? Investing 10 minutes every day so that the disorder does not advance ”.

And if you've been wanting more, find out how to clean your house in an hour (or less).
