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20 foods that can not be missing in a satiating diet to lose weight

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Squid, protein with hardly any calories

Squid, protein with hardly any calories

Proteins by a tube. Squid are perfect foods in weight loss diets, as they provide a lot of proteins, which are very satiating, and, if they are not fried, few calories. In addition, their firm meat forces us to chew them slowly and this makes us feel more satisfied. Of course, if we have cholesterol problems we should moderate its consumption.

Brown rice, purifies the body

Brown rice, purifies the body

It provides energy, fiber and very little fat. Being very low in sodium and rich in potassium, it favors the elimination of toxins, which helps purify the body and prevent fluid retention. On the other hand, it is rich in carbohydrates and starch, which allows its energy to be assimilated gradually. Provides 350 kcal per 100 g.

Chocolate, hunger remover and hardly remover

Chocolate, hunger remover and hardly remover

The polyphenols in dark chocolate help control body weight and improve mood. In addition, eating it generates so much pleasure that it helps to comply with the diet. You can take one ounce (about 20 grams) up to four times a week. It is preferable to choose a dark chocolate with 70% or more cocoa.

Potato, better cooked and cold

Potato, better cooked and cold

The potato does not stand out for its fiber content, but for its proportion of water (77%), to which it owes its satiating power, especially if it is prepared boiled. In fact, several studies confirm that cooked potatoes are twice as satisfying as fried potatoes, and three times lighter (80 kcal per 100 g). Of course, they are more satisfying if they are eaten cooked and cold.

Banana, rich in magnesium and potassium

Banana, rich in magnesium and potassium

Satisfying and very relaxing. It is creamy and sweet, it also has tryptophan, a substance that helps you relax. For this reason, it is a recommended food after dinner, since it fills and avoids nighttime binges. It is also rich in magnesium and potassium, making it perfect after playing sports. And it is not true that it is very caloric, it is 62 calories per 100 g (an apple is 48 cal).

Carrot, source of beta-carotene and vitamins

Carrot, source of beta-carotene and vitamins

Perfect ally for hunger attacks. The carrot hardly provides fat (0.2%) or protein (1%). It owes its sweet taste to its carbohydrates (5.2%), from which its low calories basically come: only 27 per 100 grams. Rich in beta-carotene (antioxidant), vitamins C and E and iron, it is an excellent food to snack on and calm anxiety in a healthy way.

Peach, laxative, diuretic, antioxidant …

Peach, laxative, diuretic, antioxidant …

Symbol of longevity in China, its water content is very high, it is over 87% of its weight and its fats are practically nil, which explains its low caloric value (35 and 45 calories per 100 g). It is also a laxative, diuretic, antioxidant, antianemic and very satiating. It is also recommended for difficult digestions.

Avocado, regulator of the nervous system

Avocado, regulator of the nervous system

Due to its richness in fatty acids, magnesium and B vitamins, avocado is an excellent food regulator of the nervous system, so it is especially indicated in stressful situations, and helps to avoid snacking. As it is very caloric, it must be consumed in moderation. 100 g provide 223 calories.

Cinnamon, speeds up metabolism

Cinnamon, speeds up metabolism

Both the seasoning and the infusion relieve indigestion, colic and excess gas. In addition, they help maintain weight. A study from the University of Maryland (USA) states that consuming 1⁄4 tablespoon of cinnamon a day mixed with food speeds up metabolism up to 20 times, which reduces the accumulation of reserves. Discover other fat burning spices.

Alga fucus, slimming and anti-cellulite

Alga fucus, slimming and anti-cellulite

Although algae are still unknown to many people, their taste is surprising and they are a magnificent source of minerals, apart from their extraordinary detoxifying effects. The alga fucus, among the many varieties, is used as an effective slimming and anti-cellulite. It is satiating and laxative. And it can be consumed as an infusion.

Date, fill and sweeten

Date, fill and sweeten

Basic food among the peoples of the desert for its energetic and restorative power; The date, like all dried fruits, has a high percentage of nutrients and calories (275 per 100 g), but it is a healthy snack to consider, if not abused, for its satiating power and its delicious taste. It is slightly laxative.

Orange, stimulates the defenses

Orange, stimulates the defenses

It could not be missing from the list. Thanks to vitamin C it stimulates the defenses. It is irreplaceable in a weight loss diet thanks to the amount of fiber it provides (3 grams in one piece), which makes us feel full. Whenever possible, it is better to consume the whole fruit instead of the juice, which provides more sugar (you take more than 1 piece in a glass) and much less fiber.

Spinach, rich in vitamins, magnesium and iron

Spinach, rich in vitamins, magnesium and iron

Being a very light food (22 cal / 100 g) but with an interesting fiber content (2.3%), spinach is essential in the satiating diet. Rich in vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium and iron, it prevents the absorption of cholesterol. In addition, it purifies the liver and is a laxative, but it is not recommended for kidney patients due to its richness in oxalates.

Legumes, slow-absorbing carbohydrates

Legumes, slow-absorbing carbohydrates

Ideal to avoid "lows". Rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins, like cereals, they are slow-absorbing carbohydrates that help maintain blood glucose levels and avoid the dreaded "lows." Legume salads are protein and light, while stews tend to be more caloric, although it depends on the recipe. They provide constant energy and fiber.

Olive oil, fights bad cholesterol

Olive oil, fights bad cholesterol

Fat has a satiating effect, but on a slimming diet the fat of choice should be olive oil and it should be done in moderation (maximum 4 tablespoons a day). This oil is a monounsaturated fat that has a very beneficial effect on cholesterol: it not only lowers the rates of bad cholesterol, but also increases the good ones.

Lean meat, lots of protein and little fat

Lean meat, lots of protein and little fat

Chicken, turkey, rabbit, and certain cuts of beef and pork, such as sirloin, are lean and provide high-quality, low-fat protein. They are delicious baked with a drizzle of lemon and a pinch of pepper. We must ensure that the meat ration does not exceed 100 grams and consume it a maximum of three times a week.

Mushrooms, high fiber and low calories

Mushrooms, high fiber and low calories

Champion of the "quitahambres". Studies have shown that mushrooms have a long satiating effect, making them an ideal ingredient to control hunger. The reason is that it contains, like all mushrooms, a large amount of fiber (cellulose), more than other vegetables. To this is added its low caloric intake (15 kcal per 100 g).

Hake, rich in omega 3 and calcium

Hake, rich in omega 3 and calcium

It is undoubtedly the most popular white fish with a high satiating power due to its richness in protein. Its white meat is easy to digest and is very tasty. Rich in protein and low in fat, its content in omega 3 and calcium stands out. A study by the CIBERobn research center found that its regular consumption helps reduce abdominal fat.

Bell pepper, vitamin C and fiber

Bell pepper, vitamin C and fiber

Thanks to its high water content, low caloric intake (20 calories / 100 g), the concentration of micronutrients and fiber, which produces a feeling of satiety, peppers are essential in weight control diets. In addition, fiber prevents constipation, prevents colon cancer, and helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition, they are a good source of vitamin C.

Melon, purifying and diuretic

Melon, purifying and diuretic

Refreshing, nutritious and delicious, the melon is rich in water (80%), so taking a good portion of this fruit makes you feel full, without affecting our weight, since 100 g contain only 52 kcal. Apart from standing out as an excellent satiating agent, it is purifying and diuretic.

Behind every great triumph, there is usually a great team. And that of the super effective satiating diet prepared by Dr. Beltrán is the group of 20 essential foods that we present to you in this gallery.

From brown rice to cinnamon, through legumes, mushrooms or dates, for example. They are foods that provide us with long-lasting energy, force us to chew well, stay in the stomach longer and seem to fill it up more.

These foods have the virtue of calming cravings for food

For this reason, they are super satisfying. But not only that. In addition, they have the virtue of calming the anxiety for food. So they are a perfect ally to lose weight without having to starve

The keys to satisfying foods

The ingredients for a happy and hunger-free life are rich in tryptophan, vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium, and in essential fatty acids such as omega 3.

  • Light proteins. They are satiating and also excellent sources of tryptophan, which relaxes you. You find them in turkey, rabbit and chicken meat. As well as fish (such as hake or squid) and dairy and eggs.
  • Vegetables. They are also satiating proteins but of vegetable origin. Among the legumes, soybeans and its derivatives (tofu, tempeh, etc.) stand out for being rich in tryptophan. Other very rich legumes are peanuts and chickpeas.
  • Vegetables and vegetables. Asparagus is a good source of tryptophan. Watercress, green beans and spinach contain a lot of vitamin C, necessary for the production of serotonin. In addition, vegetables, in general, are rich in magnesium, with an anti-stress and anti-sting effect.
  • Fruits rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the body to produce serotonin. Our body does not generate it by itself, so it must be obtained from foods such as kiwis, oranges, tangerines, lemons, currants or strawberries. But also, in times of stress, you have to increase its consumption since the adrenaline that we generate when we are nervous consumes a lot of vitamin C and there is less available to generate serotonin.