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Horoscope 2020: this is how the year will go according to your sign

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Horoscope Aries 2020

Horoscope Aries 2020

March 21 - April 19

Many challenges, changes and surprises for the people who belong to the sign of Aries. According to the stars, this year you will launch large projects and plans that you had parked, and you will be able to count on the support of people from your closest environment to be well inside and out.

  • Watch out for … pending commitments and promises. The stars indicate that, perhaps, it will cost you a little to assume them.
  • Love. There will be a lot of movement. You will feel the urgent need to experiment and explore new horizons. New illusions and secret relationships may arise.
  • Money. Ease of making positive changes at work, as well as improving the state of your finances.
  • Health. You should combine relaxation with physical exercise to deal with stress.

Taurus horoscope 2020

Taurus horoscope 2020

April 20 - May 20

This can be a great year for people who belong to the sign of Taurus. Everything indicates that you will have a renewed confidence in yourself and you will feel the need to spend more time with family and friends, as well as to do things that enrich you and make you feel fully fulfilled.

  • Be careful with … The way to say things if you want to avoid disputes and conflicts with your relatives.
  • Love. Big changes are coming in your sentimental situation, from breakups and reconciliations to formalizing commitments, passing through new loves. You will have to be prepared for everything.
  • Money . To achieve the goals you have set for yourself, you will have no choice but to sit down and negotiate.
  • Health. Allergies and weather changes will be your weak points

Gemini horoscope 2020

Gemini horoscope 2020

May 21 - June 20

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, you will need to rethink everything and take a radical turn to feel good about yourself. It is one of the keys to this coming year loaded with trials that you will have to face to find your place in the world.

  • Beware … The rush to achieve your goals. Impatience can play tricks on you …
  • Love. Be very careful. The desire to love and impulsiveness can lead you to make wrong decisions or do things that you may regret later.
  • Money. If you want to get promoted or have your salary increased, this is a good year to claim it or get to work on it.
  • Health. You will fight stress better and that will help you to be stronger and more positive.

Cancer horoscope 2020

Cancer horoscope 2020

June 21 - July 22

If you were born under the sign of Cancer, over the next few months you will have to fight against the routine, as well as get out of your comfort zone to achieve everything that you have proposed at the beginning of the year.

  • Beware … Laziness. If you let yourself be carried away by it, you can lose many of the opportunities that you currently have at your fingertips.
  • Love. Stop dwelling on matters of the heart. The time has come to consolidate and strengthen your relationships, or make a clean slate of everything that no longer gives you anything. Make up your mind.
  • Money. You will have to assume new responsibilities that can give you benefits in every way, not just materially.
  • Health. Physical activity and outdoors will go very well to strengthen your defenses and your mood.

Leo horoscope 2020

Leo horoscope 2020

July 23 - August 22

People who have been born under the sign of Leo will raise their heads as 2020 progresses. Although you will start it somewhat discouraged, little by little you will recover thanks to your positivity and good spirit. It's all about perspective.

  • Beware of … Taking on more commitments than the account You need space for yourself if you don't want it to end up taking a toll on you.
  • Love. Prepare for many ups and downs. There will be months in which you will see everything very clearly, and others in which you will feel totally lost, and you will not know where to direct your steps.
  • Money. Very conducive stage to undertake projects or make plans that allow you to self-fulfillment.
  • Health. Overwork and doubts in love will test your ability to cope with stress.

Virgo horoscope 2020

Virgo horoscope 2020

August 23 - September 22

If you belong to the sign of Virgo, you will not have any fear of doing everything necessary to keep moving forward. The stars indicate that the desire to improve your quality of life and the firm will to get along better with others and with yourself will be your primary goals.

  • Beware of … Someone who might disappoint you even if they don't mean to.
  • Love. You will start with many doubts about your feelings and those of the person you love, but slowly you will become clear and, in the end, you will know what you have to do.
  • Money. It's time to put order in your work life. Strengthen what is worthwhile and let go of what does not really contribute anything to you.
  • Health. It would not be a bad thing to do a checkup and do not even think about self-medicating.

Libra 2020 horoscope

Libra 2020 horoscope

September 23 - October 22

The recurring indecision of people who were born under the sign of Libra, will not have much room in 2020. You will see clearly what you want and what you don't from now on. The time has come to reconcile with yourself and fight without fear for your true dreams.

  • Beware … Your irresistible power of seduction. You could inadvertently cause embarrassment.
  • Love. It will be a year full of romantic and most passionate episodes. Although there could be the occasional crisis in your relationship, you will find a way to get out of it with ease or stronger.
  • Money. You should weigh all the pros and cons well before choosing a path if you don't want to go wrong.
  • Health. Breathing problems can take away your energy in the colder months.

Scorpio horoscope 2020

Scorpio horoscope 2020

October 23 - November 21

Good news if you belong to the sign of Scorpio. Luck will be on your side in everything related to closing agreements or making commitments that benefit your personal and professional stability.

  • Beware … Excesses of all kinds. Stress can push you to take the shortest route to calm your high levels of anxiety.
  • Love. You will be so seductive and sure of yourself that it will not cost you to fulfill your desires no matter how little you propose. In the event that you are in a couple, a period of reflection will come in handy to improve it, as well as strengthen it.
  • Money. You will have a lot of work or many offers and, at times, you will feel that you cannot do everything. Choose well where you should focus your energies.
  • Health . Find a way to channel your nerves if you don't want them to overwhelm you.

Sagittarius horoscope 2020

Sagittarius horoscope 2020

November 22 - December 20

Many of the headaches of people who were born under the sign of Sagittarius have their days numbered. Your decisive and determined spirit will be essential to solve that problem that has prevented you from moving in the direction you want for a long time.

  • Be careful with … Family conflicts or domestic problems will be your weak point. They threaten to destabilize you.
  • Love. Although there may be clashes, or even separations, everything indicates that it will be for the better. What endures or has survived after the storm will be strengthened with new sap. And what is finished will be to make room for new hope.
  • Money. Job changes are favorable, as well as the search for a job more in line with your knowledge and skills.
  • Health. If you make small changes in your habits, you will feel much stronger to face all your challenges.

Capricorn horoscope 2020

Capricorn horoscope 2020

December 21 - January 20

If you were born under the sign of Capricorn, you will not be able to lower your guard in 2020. Family and domestic affairs will demand your full attention. And the search for stability will focus most of your efforts.

  • Watch out for… Taking on more account responsibilities. Make it a point to only do what is really right for you.
  • Love. If you are in a relationship, it will be a good year to smooth things over or strengthen the ties that unite you, while if you have a free heart, you have very good prospects when it comes to looking for someone who meets your expectations and will make you feel full.
  • Money. Even if your work and tasks do not stimulate you at all, you will have to hold on to them so as not to lose financial stability.
  • Health. Beware of muscle or joint pain. They will be your Achilles heel.

Aquarius 2020 horoscope

Aquarius 2020 horoscope

January 21 - February 19

After a quite turbulent period, the people who belong to the sign of Aquarius will have to put order in your life. The stars indicate that you will have no choice but to rethink certain aspects in order to continue moving in the desired direction.

  • Watch out for … The way you say things. Because of her (or because of her) you can achieve radically opposite results.
  • Love. Prepare for an earthquake of feelings. You will go through all the stages in matters of the heart, and communication will be essential to reach agreements or solve possible bad vibes with the people in your closest environment.
  • Money. To improve your economy, you will have no choice but to diversify your sources of income.
  • Health. Relaxation techniques will go very well to alleviate digestive problems or other ailments.

Pisces horoscope 2020

Pisces horoscope 2020

February 20 - March 20

If you were born under the sign of Pisces, the time has come to face all those pending challenges that you postpone over and over again. Only then will you be able to move once and for all in the right direction.

  • Beware … Susceptibility. If you let yourself be dazzled by it and take things too seriously, you will not see everything that you have beyond.
  • Love. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you will feel an irrepressible need to withdraw a bit in yourself to know what you really expect from the relationship. And if you are single, you will think long and hard before throwing yourself into the arms of love. It is a very conducive period for reflection.
  • Money. You will focus on improving your skills and taking advantage of your abilities to prosper at work and benefit your pocket.
  • Health. Headaches and muscle tension will be the order of the day in the coming months.

The influence of the deep and dark Pluto together with the ambition and perseverance of Saturn will remove all our foundations to advance towards our goals. The time has come to start the machinery that will make our most intimate wishes and our most cherished dreams come true .

Horoscope 2020: great challenges to face

2020 will be a very busy and intense year, but very positive to evolve and improve.

  • Overcome major crises . In some moments, it will seem that everything is broken or blows up. But they will almost always be situations that will make us grow as people or come out very strong.
  • Save obstacles. The influence of Saturn will make us not give up just like that, and that we will overcome each and every one of the impediments that stand in our way.
  • Accept changes. Hand in hand with Pluto, all kinds of transformations will take place that, consciously or unconsciously, will help us move forward or be reborn from our ashes. The key is not to be afraid of change, but quite the opposite: to welcome it with open arms. It is time to renew yes or yes.