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How to stop sagging and get a firmer body

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Do you have to lose weight? Avoid fast diets!

Do you have to lose weight? Avoid fast diets!

A too restrictive diet the only thing that does is that your body maintains the fat and loses muscle mass. The result is an increase in flaccidity and, in addition, the recovery of the lost kilos in a short time. If you have to lose weight, do it with a balanced diet and do not lose more than half a kilo per week. An easy way to do this is by following the "plate method", recommended by Harvard University (USA).

Take protein (just the right amount)

Take protein (just the right amount)

It is not about following a high protein diet, but it is about consuming enough protein. How do you know? Calculate 0.8 g of protein per kilo of body weight. If you weigh 65 kilos you should take about 52 g. And how much is that? About 100 g of chicken is about 22 g of protein, for example.

Low-fat diet (but not without)

Low-fat diet (but not without)

Fat is important for the body to perform some of its functions, but in excess it is a problem, because it can make us accumulate pounds and it is more difficult for us to fight sagging. So it is better that your diet is low in fat. Opt for dairy and white meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit) or white fish, which have less fat. And team up with fat-burning foods, like whole grains, hot spices, green tea, radishes, etc.

Drink a lot of water

Drink a lot of water

The hydration of the skin inside is essential for it to look firm, smooth and elastic. Forget sugary drinks and try to drink at least two liters of water (about 8 glasses) a day. Is it difficult for you to drink water? So, take note of these tricks.

Collagen is eaten

Collagen is eaten

Recovering the consumption of foods such as pig's feet or the most tendinous parts of the meat (tail, arm, etc.) or eggs gives us an extra collagen, the protein responsible for the firmness of tissues, of which our diet it is usually deficient. To assimilate well, the ideal is to consume them with other foods rich in vitamin C. You can also take a natural collagen supplement.

Reinforces the consumption of vitamin C

Strengthens the consumption of vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential in the formation of collagen, and also helps to assimilate proteins. Therefore, to get a firmer body, you should eat foods rich in vitamin C such as kiwis, citrus, red pepper, broccoli …

Take a cold shower

Take a cold shower

Heat causes sagging. Therefore, the ideal is to shower with the coldest water you can bear. Start with lukewarm water and cool it down to where you can resist.

Avoid the sun

Avoid the sun

The sun's rays affect the collagen fibers and cause the skin to lose firmness and hydration. It is better that you avoid the sun and ALWAYS use a cream with sunscreen.

Firming cream twice a day

Firming cream twice a day

Applied morning and night, every day and with a massage of at least 5 minutes in each application, firming creams are very effective. If the massage at night can be longer, the better. And if you have trouble doing it, think about investing in a homemade massage device. But don't relax, if you stop, you lose everything you've gained, so be regular.

Radio frequency, your best cabin treatment

Radio frequency, your best cabin treatment

The most appropriate technique to reaffirm in beauty centers is radio frequency. It produces a heating effect that contracts the epidermis and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in the dermis. It is recommended to start with one or two sessions a week, as a shock treatment, and then move to a monthly one.

Swimming, the most complete "firming" sport

Swimming, the most complete "firming" sport

Swimming is one of the most effective sports to gain strength because, in addition to activating all the muscles of the body, the water exerts a gentle massage that also helps to end sagging. It is a true two in one. Besides swimming, there are other sports that can help you, such as running, cycling, elliptical, etc.

Ride a bicycle

Ride a bicycle

Riding a bicycle helps to burn fat effectively, especially in the legs. In addition, it increases your cardio-respiratory rate and improves oxygen circulation. It is a perfect exercise to reduce cellulite and refine the thighs.

"Target" exercises for key points of your body

Exercises "target" for key points of your body

In addition to endurance sports, such as running and swimming, it is important to do specific exercises for the most critical areas of the body, such as the inner thigh. For example, to work this area, an easy way to do it is to sit down and hold a medium ball between your legs. Squeeze 30 seconds and relax without the ball falling to the ground for 10 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Photo: Bruce Mars via Unsplash

Strengthens buttocks and legs

Strengthens buttocks and legs

Do you want to strengthen buttocks and legs? Then take note of this exercise. Standing, with your back well aligned, bring one leg forward at a right angle to the ground and lower the back one, bringing your knee as close to the ground as possible. Stand up with force with your front leg. If you want to work harder, grab some dumbbells.

Photo: Bruce Mars via Unsplash

Squats, for firm legs

Squats, for firm legs

An easy way to do them is to lean your back and head against the wall, put your legs forward - open at the hips -, lower your torso until your legs are at a right angle, as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair. Hold 10-15 seconds and gradually increase the squat time. Do 50 reps three times a week. When you feel confident in how it is done, you can peel off the wall.

Well defined arms

Well defined arms

To work your arms, stand up, with your legs slightly apart, pick up some weights (one kilogram or more) with your palms facing backwards. With your elbows close to your body, alternately bend your arms upward. You will work the biceps. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. And in addition, you can also turn your back to a bench or chair, place your hands on the edges and do push-ups, to perform triceps dips. Take in air when going down and expel it when going up. Repeat 30 times.

Gaining firmness goes through checking what you eat and exercising more. The closer you are to your ideal weight and the more exercise you do, the firmer you will be. If you want to end sagging and get a firmer body, with well-defined arms and strong, shapely legs, don't miss the keys that we give you in our gallery.

The keys to overcoming flaccidity

  • Be at your weight. The extra pounds do not help the body look defined. But beware, if you have to lose weight, don't be in a hurry. Fast diets contribute to sagging. Don't lose more than a pound a week. An easy, healthy and safe way to do it is by following the plate method recommended by Harvard University (USA).
  • Protein and fat, in the right measure. We are not in favor of high protein diets, but we are in favor of taking enough protein, as it is key to avoiding flaccidity. In the gallery we tell you how to calculate the amount of protein you need. On the other hand, fat is important for the body to perform some of its functions, but in excess it is a problem, because it can make us accumulate kilos and it is more difficult for us to combat sagging. So it is best that your diet is low in fat and includes fat burning foods and hot spices.
  • More collagen and vitamin C. Recovering the consumption of foods such as pig's feet or the most tendinous parts of the meat (tail, arm, etc.) or eggs gives us an extra collagen, the protein responsible for the firmness of the tissues, of which our diet is usually deficient. To assimilate well, the ideal is to consume them with other foods rich in vitamin C (kiwis, strawberries, citrus, pepper). Also, don't forget to hydrate your skin inside, drink plenty of water!
  • Combine sports. Endurance sports, such as running or cycling, combined with specific exercises for the most critical areas of the body, such as the inner thigh, arms or buttocks, are essential to achieve the firm body you want.
  • Creams and radio frequency. Applying a firming cream morning and night with a good massage and being constant helps to gain firmness. And in beauty centers, the most recommended technique is radio frequency.