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Foods with more vitamin d, you will be surprised!

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1. Cod liver oil

1. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil tops the list of foods with more vitamin D. A simple tablespoon of this oil covers the daily needs of vitamin D we need. And it also provides vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids.

2. The blue fish

2. The blue fish

Oily and fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines or mackerel are the foods themselves that contain vitamin D in the highest amount. But they are not only a source of this vitamin, but also of proteins and Omega 3.

3. Seafood

3. Seafood

Seafood, with oysters at the top, is also one of the champions of foods with vitamin D. But it also contains prawns, prawns, clams … much more affordable foods.

4. The liver

4. The liver

Another of the foods rich in vitamin D is the liver of animal origin, such as rabbit and beef.

5. Dairy

5. Dairy

Whole milk, whole yogurts, and cheese and butter also provide it. Those that contain more vitamins are butter and fatty cheeses, such as gouda, emental or Parmesan, but it is also true that they are very caloric. And if you take skimmed versions, that they are enriched with this vitamin, since vitamin D, being fat soluble, is found in fat.

6. The eggs

6. The eggs

In addition to many other properties and their high content of high-value proteins, eggs also stand out for being another food that has vitamin D. In their case, it is concentrated in the yolk, so if you only use the whites you will not take advantage of its vitamin D.

7. Mushrooms

7. Mushrooms

Another food in which vitamin D is found are mushrooms and other mushrooms, such as mushrooms. But it is recommended to put them in the sun before consuming them because, according to a study by Boston University (USA), although they are already harvested, they continue to transform the sun's ultraviolet rays into vitamin D.

8. The avocado

8. The avocado

Avocado has traditionally been said to be a good source of vitamin D when you don't want to use animal products in vegetarian or vegan diets, but some studies cast doubt on this.

9. Wheat germ

9. The wheat germ

Another of the plant-based foods that are considered rich in vitamin D are some cereals such as wheat germ. But, as in the case of avocado, there is a lot of controversy about it.

10. The sun

10. The sun

Yes, we already know that it is not a food, but it is the true king of vitamin D sources. And it is that more than 80% of this vitamin is obtained through the sun and only about 20% through food. If you want to know everything about this essential vitamin, keep reading what we tell you next.

Vitamin D is a very necessary vitamin for maintaining good bone and tooth health. It is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food, and participates in the development of bone tissue. For these reasons, it serves to slow down osteoporosis and maintain muscle strength and function. And, according to recent studies, it also helps prevent serious diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's, among others.

How to get vitamin D

Most of this vitamin is obtained through the skin when we are exposed to the sun's rays, hence it is also called the “sun vitamin”. However, Eva Pérez, a member of the General Council of Official Associations of Dietitians-Nutritionists, clarifies that through food, approximately 20% of the recommended daily amounts can be achieved, so that in our daily diet we must include foods that contribute.

Depending on the season, where we live, lifestyle or skin pigmentation, our body produces more or less amount of vitamin D.

In order to avoid a vitamin D deficiency, it must be taken into account that there are certain circumstances that can reduce its absorption; for example, the consumption of certain medications such as corticosteroids. In addition, people with celiac disease, kidney failure or overweight also suffer from poor absorption of this vitamin.

Foods with the most vitamin D

Apart from fortified foods, there are many others that contain this vitamin naturally.

  • Cod liver oil, oily fish, seafood, chicken or beef liver, dairy, eggs, mushrooms, avocado, wheat germ, mackerel liver.

How much sun must be taken to obtain the necessary amount

Well, it depends on the time of year, as Mª Antonia Serrano Jareño, Member of the Solar Radiation Group at the Polytechnic University of Valencia explains . But "it must be taken into account that these are average times and they have been obtained for the usual skin type in the Spanish population and without photoprotection (sunscreen)," says Serrano.

  • Winter: "The recommended sun exposures around solar noon are about 130 minutes with the face, hands and neck exposed."
  • Spring and summer: "10 minutes also exposing arms".
  • Fall: "30 minutes (half arms)".

A fairly common problem

Lacking vitamin D is more common than you think. No matter how old you are. Even with a balanced diet you can have deficiencies. We give you the keys to detect if you lack vitamin D.

Vitamin D supplements are necessary

Only if your levels are low as Dr. Patricia Yarnoz, a nutritionist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, tells you in this clinic about vitamin D.