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Is it necessary to take vitamin d pills?

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To the question of whether you have to take vitamin D pills, the answer is only if your level is low. And it is always more advisable to obtain it by taking the sun (in a controlled and protected way), as well as eating foods that contain it, than by taking supplements.

When to take vitamin D?

We get most of our vitamin D from the sun. But despite the fact that Spain is a very sunny country, a large part of the population does not get the recommended amount, that is, it is below 30-100 ng / ml in vitamin D 25-OH in a blood test.

  • If you want to know if this is the case, take into account the signs to detect if you lack vitamin D, and if so, consult your doctor.

Under medical supervision. As Patricia Yarnoz, a nutritionist at the University of Navarra Clinic, points out, we should only take supplements if indicated by the doctor and following the guideline given to us, since an excess can cause vomiting and headaches to kidney or brain problems.

  • Before supplementing, it is better to increase sun exposure or eat foods rich in this vitamin.

How do we get vitamin D?

90% through the sun and 10% through food, although it is true that few contain it in significant quantities.

  • Oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel …) top the foods rich in vitamin D.
  • Yogurts, better whole. Vitamin D, being fat soluble, is found in fat. If you take them skimmed, they better be enriched.
  • Butter and fatty cheeses such as gouda, emental and parmesan have the most vitamin D. But it is also true that they are very caloric.
  • Before consuming the mushrooms put them in the sun. Although they are harvested, they continue to transform the sun's ultraviolet rays into vitamin D, according to a study by Boston University (USA).

How much do you have to be in the sun to get the recommended dose of vitamin D?

According to a Valencian study, in January it takes around 130 minutes to obtain the recommended daily dose of vitamin D, while in summer 20 minutes is enough. But you should always do it with adequate protection so as not to expose your skin directly to radiation.

And what is vitamin D for?

To have healthy bones. This vitamin plays a very important role in bone health, since it favors the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bones.

  • Its deficit contributes to the appearance of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.

To get stronger defenses. It strengthens the immune system and contributes to the proper development of the cells responsible for defenses.

  • Recent studies suggest that it could have a "defensive" effect against different cancers and cardiovascular diseases.