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Kegel exercises for men

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Why Kegel Exercises Are For Men Too

Why Kegel Exercises Are For Men Too

Because they prevent prostate problems such as prostatitis and help in case of an operation for benign prostatic hyperplasia; They allow control of urine leakage and –something that interests them and them– improve sexual relations since they help them to endure more during intercourse and help solve premature ejaculation problems.

How are they made

How are they made

The first thing is to locate the muscles involved. A part of this musculature is what allows urine to be controlled and it is easy to locate it just by stopping urination. The second major group of muscles involved are those that help to hold a gas. Pretend you can put up with it and it will be easy for you to find it.

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Sit in a chair correctly supporting the sitting bones, the bones that we have in the buttocks. Keep your back straight, your legs apart, and your hands on your knees. From this position, valid for the rest of the exercises, contract the muscles that allow you to control urine and count slowly to 5, then relax and contract again. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

Do 15 rapid muscle contractions that allow you to control your urine.

Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Contract the muscles that help you hold a gas while you slowly count to 5. Relax and contract again. Thus, between 10 and 15 times.

Exercise 4

Exercise 4

Do 15 rapid contractions of the anal muscles.

Exercise 5

Exercise 5

This exercise is called Reverse Kegel and consists of contracting the muscles that help you retain urine and then, instead of holding the contraction, relax by making a small outward effort (without forcing it). Then do the same with the anal muscles. Reverse Kegel is used to relax the pelvic floor muscles.

How To Do Kegel Exercises For Men Right

How To Do Kegel Exercises For Men Right

You know that you do it well if you don't feel sore or tired. You should do these exercises three times a day, something that does not take you more than 5 minutes each time and that you can do anywhere since nobody notices what you are doing. It is more important to do them correctly than to do many repetitions. Think that an excess of tone can be counterproductive.

Kegel exercises to improve sexual intercourse

Kegel exercises to improve sexual intercourse

You can do them when you masturbate or when you are in a relationship. In both cases, when you are close to orgasm, stop, stop stimulating yourself and do a Kegel contraction until you notice that the urge to ejaculate has passed. So, resume your relationships. And if you want to achieve a more intense orgasm, do the same but continue with the sexual stimulation. In this case, as there will be no ejaculation, despite the intense sensations that you have noticed, the penis will remain erect and you will be closer to achieving a new orgasm. And don't miss this article if you want more ideas to share a fireworks orgasm with your partner.

Following a Kegel exercise routine for men, which includes normal and reverse exercises, is useful both to prevent prostate problems or to recover after having undergone a prostate operation, such as when there are problems with premature ejaculation or if you want to improve sexual relations because they help you endure more during intercourse.

How to find your pelvic floor muscles

You must locate two groups of muscles:

To be aware of it, focus on the muscles that help you hold a gas.

  • The first large group of muscles help control urination. To locate it, focus on the muscles that help you "cut" the urine (but don't actually cut it, because doing so can lead to infection, which is undesirable).
  • The second major muscle group helps control the anal sphincter.

Kegel workout routine for men

  • Initial posture. Sit in a chair noticing how well the sit bones are supported, some bones that we have in the ass. Your back should be straight, your legs apart, and your hands resting close to your knees.
  • First exercise. After you have located the muscles that allow you to control your urine, contract it and slowly count to 5, then relax and contract again. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Second exercise. Do 15 quick contractions of this muscle.
  • Third exercise. Locate the muscles that help you hold a gas and contract them while you slowly count to 5. Relax and contract again. Thus, between 10 and 15 times.
  • Fourth exercise. Do 15 rapid contractions of the anal muscles.

How to do a Reverse Kegel

Reverse Kegel consists of contracting the muscles that help you retain urine and then, instead of holding the contraction, relax these muscles by making a slight effort in it, but without exaggerating the effort. And you must do the same with the anal muscles.

The reverse kegel is used to relax the pelvic floor and combined with the normal Kegels it helps to rehabilitate these muscles.

If you have problems with urine leakage, don't run

It is possible that after a prostate operation it is difficult to retain urine. The natural tendency when you see that the urge is pressing, is to run, go as fast as you can to the first bathroom you find. However, it is best to stand up and do a Kegel contraction and then calmly head to the bathroom. In this way you have a better chance of retaining the desire and calmly reaching the bathroom without suffering any loss.

How To Make Kegel Exercises Help During Sex

Training with Kegel exercises helps you endure more during sexual intercourse, delaying ejaculation and even reaching more intense orgasms or multiple orgasms.

  • During masturbation. When you feel that you are close to ejaculation, you should stop stimulating yourself, perform a Kegel contraction, holding on until you feel that the urge to ejaculate has passed. Resume stimulation and repeat this sequence.
  • During relationships. As in the previous case, when you feel that you are going to ejaculate, you should move away from your partner and stop any type of stimulation while doing a Kegel contraction to help you control the urge to finish. Relax and resume relationships.

More intense orgasm (and even multi-orgasm)

When you are close to ejaculating, you should do a Kegel contraction, but in this case, non-stop stimulation. The orgasm will be more intense although there will be no release of seminal fluid. In fact, it will help to maintain the erection longer and even promote a new orgasm.

How To Do Kegel Exercises For Men Right

More than doing many repetitions, the important thing is to do them well, activating the correct muscles and contracting properly. It shouldn't hurt nor should you feel muscle fatigue. If you notice it, go at a slower pace. An excess of tone in these muscles (hypertonia) could lead to an inability to relax these muscles and the symptoms that could appear range from pain to other more serious dysfunctions.

  • Ideally, do this routine three times a day. It takes no more than 5 minutes to do it and you can do it anywhere: the bus, at the office, in front of the TV, etc. The good thing is that nobody realizes that you do it because everything happens inside your body.
  • Focus on the pelvic floor muscles. The rest and especially the core should be relaxed, otherwise the pressure on the pelvic muscles can be counterproductive.
  • Do not spend training.

Benefits of Kegel exercises for men with prostate problems

The prostate is a male gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and a portion of the urethra. Its function is to pour the prostatic fluid into the urethra so that it mixes with the sperm when ejaculating and thus favor the movement of the sperm. The problem is that if this gland increases in size it can cause problems to urinate or to avoid urine leakage, as well as make ejaculation painful. To prevent (or treat) it, Kegel exercises are very effective:

  • Help prevent acute prostatitis. It prevents inflammation of the prostate due to infection and which is painful both when urinating and ejaculating. In addition to these disorders, it also tends to cause fever and chills. If instead of acute, the prostatitis is chronic, it usually does not give symptoms, only certain discomfort, low back pain or urinary obstruction.
  • After a prostate operation. Doing Kegel exercises can also help after surgery to correct benign prostatic hyperplasia, that is, an enlarged prostate. Prostatic hypertrophy affects most men over 50 years of age. As it increases in size, the gland compresses the urethra and causes difficulties in urinating. Kegel exercises help you regain control over your urine.

Benefits of Kegel exercises in men with premature ejaculation problems

It allows you to have longer-lasting erections and better control ejaculation, which is important in case of premature ejaculation. In addition, sexual relations improve because more intense orgasms are achieved .

Other benefits of Kegel exercises for men

It prevents or corrects urine and fecal losses by promoting proper sphincter control.