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Is sleeping more on weekends bad?

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Surely more than once you have heard people say that it is not good to try to sleep during the weekend what you have slept on every day. Well, it turns out that it's not as bad as they say …

Sleep does recover

It has always been said that sleep does not recover and, even, according to several studies, that sleeping more on the weekend can be harmful to health. However, now a Swedish investigation puts it into question by ensuring that sleeping more on Saturday and Sunday does compensate for the lack of sleep and could increase life expectancy.

Who to believe?

The Dr. Odile Romero, the Spanish Society of Sleep,. We clear: if we can not get enough sleep Monday through Friday, the solution is not sleep many more hours on the weekend. But if it is compensated in a "discreet" way (2-3 more hours in total) it does minimize the health risks, and it is less bad than not compensating it at all.

Always the same schedule

As Dr. Romero emphasizes , we are like a clock and the ideal for it to work well is not that we compensate, but that we get up and go to sleep at the same time every day and sleep between seven and a half and eight hours. And that we always keep that, from Monday to Sunday, including holidays.

Insomnia or something else?

Now, if what happens to you is not that you lack time to sleep during the week, but that you have insomnia or have trouble falling asleep, here are tricks to sleep well that do not fail. And if you want to find out if your difficulties sleeping are not important or are something more serious, you can take our test to discover if you suffer from a sleep disorder.