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Discover the dirtiest places at home

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The sink

The sink

According to recent studies, the kitchen sink is up to 100,000 times more polluted than the bathroom, which makes it the king of the dirtiest places in the home . The cause is the remains of food that accumulate when washing and cleaning kitchen utensils. As a general rule, it should be cleaned at least once or twice a week with a disinfectant product.


The taps

Next to the sink and the sink are the taps, an element that we use continuously and that is exposed to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. In this case, it is recommended to clean the taps on a daily basis in general, and thoroughly every time you clean the sink or washbasin.

Remote control

Remote control

We all use the remote control without washing our hands first, so imagine the amount of germs and bacteria it accumulates over time. Wipe it with an alcohol swab from time to time to disinfect it or wrap it in plastic wrap and change it periodically.

The countertop and cutting board

The countertop and cutting board

Studies show that there are 200 times more fecal bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat. It is the same as with the sink, since both the countertop and the cutting board are where the food is cut, the shopping bags are supported, and other objects that come from the street. To avoid the accumulation of germs, smooth and waterproof materials are more recommended but it is still necessary to clean them every day with hot water and soap.

Scourers, cloths and other utensils

Scourers, cloths and other utensils

Scouring pads, cloths and other cleaning utensils are another of the black spots where dirt roams freely. And it is that we often forget to clean them, which is one of the classic cleaning mistakes that we make according to experts, as well as using the same rags and utensils for everything. The washcloths and scrubbers in the bathroom, for example, cannot be used in other rooms, and vice versa.

Shower curtain

Shower curtain

The shower curtain is the perfect home for mold. The constant humidity makes it easy to proliferate. To clean it, rub with a mixture of soap, water, and baking soda every 15 days. And it is also a good idea to change it every six months.

Garbage cans

Garbage cans

Although it is one of the containers we use the most to get rid of dirt, we hardly ever remember to clean it. Disinfecting it regularly is key to keeping it germ-free. And the excuse that it is covered with a garbage bag is not worth it.

Shower and bath

Shower and bath

Although it is the place that we use to get rid of germs and dirt from the body, part of these do not go down the drain, but rather accumulate on the surface, taps, joints … And also in an ideal environment for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria: humid and warm. In the case of showers and bathtubs, it is recommended to wash them between one and two times a week.

The glass with the toothbrushes

The glass with the toothbrushes

It is one of the things that experts recommend removing from the bathroom immediately. And is that if you leave it next to the sink, you risk accumulating fecal remains, bacteria and other germs from splashes, food scraps, and persistent moisture. Ideally, keep the brush after use and, if you use a container to deposit it, clean it two or three times a week with the same product that you wash dishes.



Yes Yes. The keyboard of the computer, as well as that of the television or mobile, is considered one of the places that more germs can accumulate per square millimeter when passing fingers and hands. One of the successful home cleaning tricks on the internet to keep them clean is to vacuum and then use an alcohol swab to disinfect the keys.

Switches and sockets

Switches and sockets

Like keyboards, switches and sockets are another favorite place for dirt and germs. And instead we hardly ever clean them. Whenever you go to clean the house thoroughly, like when you go to do spring cleaning, for example, do not forget to clean and disinfect them.

Latches, knobs and handles

Latches, knobs and handles

Along with keyboards and switches, other elements subject to constant touching and, consequently, susceptible to being a nest of dirt are the doorknobs, knobs and handles for doors, windows and furniture. As in the case of switches and sockets, they must be cleaned whenever you do a thorough cleaning.

According to experts, there are a lot of places that we don't clean well and, as you have seen, in some black spots in the house, dirt, germs and bacteria roam so richly.

The sites that collect the most germs and bacteria

Oddly enough, the toilet bowl is not one of the dirtiest places in the house. As a general rule, it is estimated that a kitchen cutting board contains 200 times more bacteria than the toilet bowl, where about 50 bacteria usually live for every couple of square centimeters. And the glass with the toothbrush is one of the objects with the most bacteria per square millimeter, and therefore one of the things that experts want you to remove from the bathroom immediately.

The reason is very simple: we usually clean and disinfect the toilet thoroughly because we associate it with dirt. While the cutting board, the glass with the toothbrush, or the keyboards, switches and knobs we hardly ever clean them well because it gives us the feeling that the germs have not reached there.

The corners that are never cleaned

But this is not all. According to a British study, there are places in the house that we literally never clean. The top ten of these sites is headed by the area under the sofa. The second, third and fourth places are occupied by the back of the toilet, and the interior of the refrigerator and oven. Then come the part behind the TV, under the bed and on top of cabinets and shelves. And the list is completed by stairs with their railings, baseboards and baseboards, and windows with their windowsills.

One of the most revealing data from the same study is that one in five respondents confesses that they only clean the house when visitors come. One in ten, at the other extreme, claims to clean the house at least twice a week or more. And a couple out of every hundred say that at some point they have thought about moving house before they start cleaning.

And how can we fix it? With a thorough action like the one we propose in our spring cleaning step by step, without forgetting to eliminate bacteria from the places that we have shown you and give a review of those corners that we never clean.