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How many eggs can you eat on a diet?

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But how many eggs can you eat?

But how many eggs can you eat?

From the outset, to the question of how many eggs can be eaten on a diet, the answer is as many as if you are not on a diet. And is that the egg has a lot of protein but very few calories and, therefore, almost does not make you fat. However, you do have to take into account how to cook it if you are following a diet.

Cooked egg: 147 kcal

Cooked egg: 147 kcal

According to Dr. Ibáñez, specialist in Nutritional Medicine, Physical Exercise and Metabolism at Clínica Planas, if you are on a diet it is best to eat it cooked so as not to add more calories. It is important not to cook it for more than 12 minutes since if they are exceeded, some vitamins could be lost. Find out the perfect egg cooking time.

Soft-boiled or poached egg: 147 kcal

Soft-boiled or poached egg: 147 kcal

It has the same calories as a boiled egg. Cook for 3-4 minutes. You can do it without peel, wrapped in kitchen film, or cooked in water with a little vinegar. So that it does not break, it is recommended to introduce it when the water is still cold. If you want a light recipe with the egg like that, try our poached egg with avocado and prawns.

In tortilla: 170 kcal

In tortilla: 170 kcal

To avoid excess calories, use a nonstick skillet and as little oil as possible. To make it very fluffy, beat the eggs well, but without foaming. Or you can also separate the whites from the yolks, mount them until stiff and then mix them with the beaten yolks. And if you are going to make it stuffed, it is better that they be vegetables or mushrooms than cheese, chorizo ​​or other caloric bombs.

Scrambled egg: 180 kcal

Scrambled egg: 180 kcal

In this case, as in the tortilla, what increases its calories is the amount of oil or fat you use to cook it. So opt for a nonstick skillet and little oil. The secret to making it creamy is to curdle the eggs a little and at a very low heat; and incorporate the ingredients that release water already cooked and drained as we have done in our scrambled eggs with pepper.

Fried egg: 185 kcal

Fried egg: 185 kcal

This way of cooking the egg is the one that takes the cake in terms of calories, but it is possible to reduce its quantity by grilling it instead of fried. Yes, yes, as they do in many bars. You can fry the egg on a flat plate or a non-stick pan with a thread of oil and it will be much lighter. And instead of accompanying it with french fries, with some sauteed pumpkin tacos or some sauteed broccoli trees.

Take them better for breakfast

Take them better for breakfast

However, however you cook them, it is better to have them for breakfast if you are on a diet. Several studies have shown that including them in breakfast helps you lose weight. The reason? The satiety caused by eggs (they are 50% more satiating than white bread or cereals with milk) makes you eat less during the rest of the day. Given that satiating effect, it is also advisable for between meals. Discover more satisfying foods.

As you have seen, the amount of eggs that can be eaten while on a diet are the same that you can take when you are not following any regimen and there are no medical contraindications.

How many eggs can be eaten a week and other questions

  • How many eggs can you eat a week? In terms of quantity, the limit would be the same as for any other healthy person who is not on a diet: 7 eggs per week (and possibly no more than 2 per day).
  • Does the egg make you fat? Not much. If you cook it in a way that does not add calories, it is a perfect food to include in a weight loss diet, since it is rich in quality proteins, which makes it very satiating and, in addition, it has few calories (150 kcal / 100 g).
  • Are they fatter depending on the way you cook them? Yes. As Dr. Iván Ibáñez, specialist in Nutritional Medicine, Physical Exercise and Metabolism at Clínica Planas confirms, we should be more concerned about the way we cook it than quantity, since its caloric content can vary a lot.
  • Is it better to eat only the whites? Since the yolk is where the fat contained in the egg is concentrated, they are often omitted to reduce calories. However, Dr. Ibáñez recommends that, unless you have very high cholesterol, you do not completely dispense with the yolks, since they are satiating and provide fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Is the egg diet recommended? You have to be very careful with this and other express diets. Many diets based on a high consumption of boiled eggs and no carbohydrate intake circulate on the internet. If you don't want your health to suffer, forget about them. But if you do it, let it be for a few days and always under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.
  • Are organic eggs healthier? Although all eggs have to pass sanitary controls and, therefore, all are healthy and suitable for human consumption, it is true that organic ones are of higher quality and more respectful of the hens that produce them. Here are all the tricks to know if an egg is really ecological.