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Chickpea cream

Table of contents:


250 g of cooked chickpeas
1 onion
400 g carrots
200 g pumpkin
2 stalks of celery
1 pinch of ground cumin
1 cinnamon stick
1 glass of evaporated milk
Olive oil
500 ml of water

Apart from the classic creams of leeks, zucchini and pumpkin, you can also make one with legumes such as chickpeas that we like so much at Clara. In addition to being very nutritious thanks to this rich legume, it is also very satiating due to the enormous contribution of fiber that all its vegetables represent.

In short, an ideal dish to feel full and be well fed that also fits into a vegetarian diet. You just have to add, for example, some chopped or whole hazelnuts, as small pieces and, together with the chickpea proteins, you will make up for the lack of meat. And if you are vegan, it is just as delicious with any vegetable milk.

How to do it step by step

  1. Poach the onion . It is one of the infallible tricks to make creams more palatable. You peel the onion, cut it into feathers and, instead of boiling it directly with the rest of the vegetables, fry it for about 10 minutes with a thread of oil in the saucepan in which you are going to make the cream.
  2. Prepare the rest of the vegetables . While the onion is frying, you can prepare the rest. Scrape the carrots and clean the celery. Wash both and cut them into slices. And you also peel the pumpkin, clean it and chop it.
  3. Cook the ingredients . Add the poached onion, celery, carrots, pumpkin, previously cooked chickpeas, as well as the cinnamon stick and 500 ml of water to the casserole and put everything to cook.
  4. Make the cream . After cooking all the ingredients with the covered casserole for about 35 minutes or so, turn off the heat, remove the cinnamon stick, and grind the whole. Finally, add the evaporated milk, salt, pepper and cumin. And cook it all for about 5 more minutes.
  5. Plate and serve . Serve the cream while still hot in individual bowls. And decorate them with a thread of raw olive oil on top and a little chopped pepper.

Clara trick

to give it more aroma

This cream admits all kinds of spices. Add the ones you like the most: nutmeg, turmeric, anise, cloves … And if you want to add a fresh touch that contrasts with its heat, you can sprinkle on top, chopped chives or a little parsley.

Cinnamon sticks thinner

Taking cinnamon warms the body and helps improve digestion. In addition, it helps maintain weight. Through a study carried out by the University of Maryland (USA) it was observed that consuming 1⁄4 tablespoon of cinnamon a day mixed with food speeds up metabolism up to 20 times. This, in addition to supplying a greater expenditure of calories, increases body temperature and makes you sweat. That is why it is ideal to take a cinnamon tisane in cold weather or to flavor meals with it as we have done in this cream.

If you want to know more recipes with a fat burning effect, click here.