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Tricks to be healthy all year round

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1. Music gives you peace

1. Music gives you peace

Breathe and listen. Taking a few minutes each day to perk up your ears can only have advantages. Enjoying your favorite songs will brighten your day and make you feel more relaxed and happy.

2. Take a nap

2. Take a nap

We are talking about a 20 or 30 minute nap, no more. Regular napping may reduce coronary mortality . In addition, it can provide greater mental alertness, relaxes your heart, helps you relieve tension and your concentration levels will be higher.

3. Get moving

3. Get moving

Doing moderate exercise on a daily basis does not only have benefits for your body (improves your physical condition, reduces the risk of hypertension, helps to maintain weight …), but on a psychological level they are all advantages. Increase your self-esteem, reduce stress and tension, avoid depression and help you relax and sleep better.

4. A wine for the heart

4. A wine for the heart

A study conducted by Oregon State University (USA) suggests that moderate wine drinking can reduce liver fat, which promotes cardiovascular disease. This effect is due to the resveratrol it contains. But consumption has to be very moderate, since excess alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer.

5. Sleeping well takes care of your heart

5. Sleeping well takes care of your heart

Women sleep worse than men and that endangers our hearts. According to a study published in the European Heart Journal, not getting enough sleep triples the chances of suffering from heart failure. To sleep like a baby it is best to have a light dinner to help you fall asleep.

6. Avoid areas with a lot of noise

6. Avoid areas with a lot of noise

Being in a noisy area, not only on the street, but also in the office, at home … promotes stress. So avoid as much as you can be long periods in high noise environments; and if you can't, a good remedy is to use earplugs.

7. Vitamin S lengthens your life

7. Vitamin S lengthens your life

The "S" is for socializing. And is that according to Australian researchers, people who have a good network of friends can live up to 10 years longer than those who do not. Make space in your schedule to meet friends or join activities such as workshops, sports groups, etc. You will have a good time and take care of your health.

8. Sun? Yes thanks

8. Sun? Yes thanks

The sun's rays help you to synthesize vitamin D , which is very necessary to control blood pressure, assimilate calcium (for strong bones) and enjoy an iron immune system. Take a few minutes a day to sunbathe and you will see how your body will thank you.

9. Enjoy the outdoors

9. Enjoy the outdoors

Breathing clean air and getting away from the stress of the big city has many benefits for your mood and will help reduce anxiety. A study from Stanford University (USA) suggests that something as simple as a walk in the countryside can help reduce the risk of depression.

10. Helping helps you

10. Helping helps you

Helping a loved one benefits him but also you. A new study in women based on brain images and carried out by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (USA) affirms that the support given can have a direct impact on the brain of the person who provides that same support, reducing stress .

11. Thinking positive loses weight

11. Thinking positive loses weight

According to a study promoted by the Special K brand, focusing on the strengths of your body, rather than the flaws, and thinking about everything you will gain if you lose weight, will help you shed those extra pounds. In fact, women who think positive are 25% more successful at losing weight and 8 times less likely to gain weight.

12. Sex for good health

12. Sex for good health

It should not be necessary to repeat the benefits of sex for your health, but here we go. Sex helps strengthen muscles and bones, improves the immune system, lowers high blood pressure and helps relieve pain because it releases endorphins, a neurotransmitter with analgesic effect. In addition, it puts your pelvic floor in shape and keeps the vagina in good condition during menopause.

13. Beer to combat anemia

13. Beer to combat anemia

Yes, as you read it. The Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians and the Beer and Health Information Center have issued a statement on moderate beer consumption and its benefits when it comes to protecting against infections and strengthening the heart. In addition, in women, one can a day prevents anemia. Of course, don't overdo it, because alcohol has a lot of hidden (and empty) calories.

14. Relax

14. Relax

Yoga, tai chi, meditation… These relaxation techniques –or others with which you feel more related– can help you control stress. If you are not comfortable practicing it in a gym, you can set up your own "yoga studio" and practice it at home.

15. Pack your suitcase

15. Pack your suitcase

And go on vacation! Although preparation (especially if it is a long vacation) can be stressful, take it easy. It has been shown that people who take vacations twice a year, in addition to being happier, are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Sometimes we worry too much about our health and we do not realize that the key to being well throughout the year lies in the little things. Have an active social life , eat a balanced diet (without excesses, but without prohibitions), practice some sport and enjoy hobbies . All this helps us to have an iron health.

In the gallery that you will find in this article we have selected 15 simple habits that you will want to incorporate into your day to day from now on. Tricks that will cost you very little, but that will give you a lot.