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Professional tricks to be a good buyer

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First of all, talk about the price

First of all, talk about the price

Some sellers begin to take note of the order or begin to cut fabric or incur expenses, before we have spoken and agreed with them the price. In this way, they make us their prisoners when it comes to negotiating, since we don't feel like backing down. When you sense that this is the case, make it clear that today you are only coming to inform yourself and that another day you will make the decision.

Ask and ask

Ask and ask

We all have a friend who knows a lot about cameras or consoles… and who we go to when we want one. But we should not only ask these "experts" or the specialists who serve us in the store. We can also obtain useful information if we ask other inexperienced like us who have bought that product before or used a certain service and tell us what their experience has been.

No to impulse purchases

No to impulse purchases

The rush is bad counselor and almost always works against us. You have to inspect the product or facilities, in the case of a service, analyze the feelings transmitted by the seller and carefully reflect on the purchase.

Be careful with maintenance and spare parts

Be careful with maintenance and spare parts

If we go online and put in a search engine how much it costs to maintain or repair whatever it is, we will immediately find several pages that calculate the annual cost of having a product of that brand or similar. This can be very important in the case of household appliances, cars, computers … Printers, for example, are usually very cheap. But the price of ink refills, exorbitant!

Haggling is not poor

Haggling is not poor

On the contrary, only the new rich go around the world as if everything were cheap. More money, more bargaining and haggling. If the salesperson gets angry, ask if he / she isn't trying to get the best possible price from their suppliers. If you say no, that may explain your high prices. All buyers are not the same and there are always excuses for us to fix the price, whether because we are new, loyal or large customers.

From asking experts and inexperienced to considering maintenance costs and spare parts, to haggling. In this gallery you have 5 tricks to save you a lot of euros at the time of. And under these lines, the keys of the professionals to win when you go shopping.

Separate processes

  • The one to find out about the. Finding out in the act of buying is the worst thing you can do. Nothing like consulting with the pillow if it really interests you and if that is the best option. Read, compare, comment, negotiate … For example, if you go to see sofas on a Saturday afternoon, just watch. Do not buy. Spend a day looking, searching, comparing prices and qualities … and another to. You will see how, by magic, during that intermediate week you will discover a lot of offers, assortments and interesting options.
  • The purchase of the payment. Once you have decided what else, it is worth looking at the different existing payment options: deferred payment, installments, financed by the seller, financed by a third party, financed by your bank, in cash, with a credit card or by debit … Choosing one or the other method can mean a difference of up to 10% in the total final cost.

And learn to differentiate …

Between efficiency and effectiveness

  • Your time is money. Many times we spend so much time trying to save a few pennies on a purchase that, if we think about it objectively, it doesn't make much sense. Our time also has a cost and we must take that into account. Similarly, making long trips to save a few euros can be counterproductive.
  • Satisfy needs. If, due to the fact of saving, you end up buying something that does not meet your needs, in reality it will have been expensive even if the price is cheap.

Between cost and utility

  • Real cost. When assessing the price of a product, some people focus on the cost it must have incurred to produce it. These people find all the products offered expensive and their life is a nightmare, since they do not buy what they want, but what they have no choice but, and above all, they do so reluctantly.
  • Happy consumers. A much happier way is to think about the usefulness or satisfaction that what you buy will bring you. And see later if you can afford it, if it represents an adequate proportion of your income, or if with the same money you have better alternatives for the same satisfaction, even if they are very different products or services.