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Irritable bowel: what is the problem?


Irritable Bowel Syndrome , currently more precisely defined as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS , is a chronic disorder that affects not only the colon, but also other parts of the intestine. Its diagnostic process is sometimes long and difficult . Pain, abdominal bloating and intestinal irregularities such as constipation, diarrhea or an alternation of both, associated or not with variations in the appearance of the stool, are the typical symptoms of IBS: a fairly widespread problem in the European population, which mainly affects the middle-aged women, that is, those with a greater work and family commitment.

Genetic, environmental and stress factors predispose to this syndrome. Also the abuse of drugs, the alteration of the intestinal bacterial flora and gastrointestinal infections can influence the well-being of the intestine, a very complex organ.

Today it is possible to face the problem acting locally and focusing attention on one of the main causes of IBS, the increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa. This permeability causes the passage of irritating substances that can generate a state of irritation and sensitivity in the intestine.

From Aboca's research, an innovative therapeutic approach for irritable bowel syndrome is born, capable of protecting the mucosa from the aggressive action of external irritants, favoring the gradual restoration of the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa. Colilen IBS works thanks to ActiMucin, a patented plant molecular complex composed of resins (from Frankincense), polysaccharides (from Aloe vera) and polyphenols (from Chamomile and Melissa).

ActiMucin interacts with the surface of the intestinal mucosa forming a film that protects the mucosa from contact with irritants. Thanks to this mechanism of action, Colilen IBS gradually reduces intestinal disorders and helps in the treatment of irritable bowel, improving the quality of life of the patient.

Ask your pharmacist for a sample. On sale in pharmacy.

To learn more about Colilen IBS, visit