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Whole grains: the healthiest options

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It is recommended to continually eat whole grains. But what exactly are they and how do they benefit us. Well, whole grains are cereals that retain all their parts: the bran (which is like the peel), the germ (part of the seed from which a new plant would form) and the endosperm (which is the part of where the embryonic plant would feed upon being formed).

In the bran, it is where most of the fiber is found and in the germ, most of the vitamins and minerals, while the endosperm is basically starch and is where the hydrates are concentrated. Normally, when a cereal is refined, both the bran and the germ are removed, and only the endosperm is preserved. As a consequence, only the starch remains and, with the elimination of the bran and the germ, fiber and many nutrients are also lost. 

For this reason, it is much healthier to eat the whole versions. Here are some of its benefits. 

  • They provide you with more vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.
  • They have a satiating effect and help prevent snacking, which can be crucial when you want to lose weight.
  • They avoid high spikes in blood sugar. 
  • They facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.

But do you want to know which are the most recommended and how to incorporate them into the diet? Take note.

It is recommended to continually eat whole grains. But what exactly are they and how do they benefit us. Well, whole grains are cereals that retain all their parts: the bran (which is like the peel), the germ (part of the seed from which a new plant would form) and the endosperm (which is the part of where the embryonic plant would feed upon being formed).

In the bran, it is where most of the fiber is found and in the germ, most of the vitamins and minerals, while the endosperm is basically starch and is where the hydrates are concentrated. Normally, when a cereal is refined, both the bran and the germ are removed, and only the endosperm is preserved. As a consequence, only the starch remains and, with the elimination of the bran and the germ, fiber and many nutrients are also lost. 

For this reason, it is much healthier to eat the whole versions. Here are some of its benefits. 

  • They provide you with more vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.
  • They have a satiating effect and help prevent snacking, which can be crucial when you want to lose weight.
  • They avoid high spikes in blood sugar. 
  • They facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.

But do you want to know which are the most recommended and how to incorporate them into the diet? Take note.



The properties and benefits of oats for cardiovascular health, the nervous system, the digestive system or even to lose weight, have placed oats in the top one of the cereals. In addition to being a good source of fiber, minerals and vitamins, it is the cereal that provides the most vegetable protein, and is a great ally to lose weight. Why? Because being rich in fiber and protein, it is very nutritious, satisfying and makes you less fattening.

  • How to take it? You can incorporate it into breakfasts in the form of a smoothie, porridge, pancakes, crepes, cookies or even in other meals. Here you have original, healthy and easy-to-make recipes with oats.



Millet is a very energetic cereal due to its high content of slow-absorbing carbohydrates. It also helps fight anemia and physical or mental weakness, thanks to being one of the whole grains richest in iron and magnesium. And it has almost no fat and zero gluten.

  • How to take it? It is cooked and eaten as an alternative to rice or wheat pasta, or it is used as the main ingredient in both a cream and delicious vegetable burgers or croquettes.



Although it is not suitable for coeliacs, barley is another of the most recommended whole grains because it helps control high cholesterol levels. In addition, it facilitates intestinal transit. And thanks to its satiating power and low calorie intake, it is allowed when you want to lose weight.

  • How to take it? Apart from making barley water, it can be cooked like rice and eaten in stews, salads, as a garnish …



Since ancient times, corn has been used in many cultures as the main source of energy thanks to its richness in slowly assimilated carbohydrates. It is also rich in vitamins A, B and E, which protect the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. It has antioxidants and helps protect the collagen in the skin, reducing the appearance of premature signs of aging. And its fiber contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine.

  • How to take it? You can include the corn flakes in breakfast or snacks, but make sure they are truly whole and do not contain added sugars or other additives. Or use the whole grain to make some homemade popcorn, one of the healthy snacks.

Integral rice

Integral rice

We normally eat white rice on a regular basis because it is the one found everywhere. But if we ate it whole, we would not be losing 75% of the nutrients in this cereal, as happens when we eat it refined. The whole grain, apart from conserving all its fiber, is rich in vitamins of group B, antioxidants and essential minerals such as magnesium.

  • How to take it? Substitute it for white in your recipes with rice. You just have to vary the cooking times following the instructions on the package.

Whole rye

Whole rye

Whole rye provides only 100 calories per cup and contains significant amounts of fiber. Apart from preventing disorders such as constipation, adding it to the diet helps prevent high cholesterol, curbs the anxiety to eat, is recommended to regulate blood sugar levels and contains vitamin E and selenium, with antioxidant effects on the body.

  • How to take it? Wash it 2-3 times changing the water and let it soak for 8-12 hours. Then you can cook it in a ratio of one part rye to four parts of water over medium heat for about an hour and a half. Once cooked, you can add it to salads, stews, stuffed vegetables … or use it as a garnish for meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ

Although it is not the whole cereal, wheat germ (the seed embryo) is also considered very healthy because it is very rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins B and E, nutrients that help protect tissues, optimize the brain activity and decrease inflammation and prevent cardiovascular disease.

  • How to take it? The most common way is to add it to milk or yogurt for breakfast. But it can also be incorporated into purees, soups and vegetable creams. Or you can even sprinkle a little on salads and pasta dishes.



Also known as buckwheat or black wheat, buckwheat is popularly considered a cereal although it really is not because, although it looks like it, it does not belong to the grass family. It stands out for its significant contribution of amino acids of high biological value and, in addition to being full of minerals, vitamins and fiber, it is gluten-free, making it suitable for celiacs. Including it in the diet helps maintain good digestive and nervous health and decreases the risk of premature cellular aging.

  • How to take it? It can be consumed in grain, flour, flakes … The grain is cooked with liquid to prepare stews. It can also be added to sauces as a thickener instead of typical flours. Or as an ingredient in the dough for crepes and pancakes.



Like buckwheat, quinoa is a pseudocereal rich in protein and minerals and gluten free. Its proteins are of high biological value, since they contain all the essential amino acids, and it is very rich in fiber and minerals, such as iron, calcium and phosphorus.

  • How to take it? The grain always has to be cleaned and drained, and then cooked. It is added to a pot of cold water and, when it starts to boil, is covered and cooked for about 15 minutes over low heat. As a general rule, the appropriate ratio is one measure of dry quinoa to one and a half of water. Here are easy recipes with quinoa to prepare.