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The best tricks to know if the melon is good

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Finding the perfect melon can be easier than it might seem at first if you know how to choose it.


To know if the melon is ready, the first thing to take into account is its consistency. It must be firm. However, when pressing the base (the opposite side to the part where it is attached to the bush) it should give a little and give off a slight melon smell. It is the sign that it is ripe and ready to eat.

The presence or absence of cracks can be positive or negative depending on the variety. The more cracks and wrinkles, the less concentration of water , but more concentration of flavor. Those made of toad skin, for example, the more cracked, the sweeter they are.

How to save it

If it is whole, you can leave the melon at room temperature. Once opened, however, you have to cover it with kitchen film and put it in the fridge. It is not advisable to store it in pieces for a long time, as the cut fruit oxidizes quickly and loses many of its beneficial properties.

Get the most out of it

Don't just take it for dessert. You can make a gazpacho or melon cream, mixing it with a little cucumber and fresh cheese. It is also delicious in salad, with diced ham and feta cheese on a base of assorted lettuces. Or use it as a garnish, just sprinkled with a pinch of pepper, accompanying chicken, turkey or roast meats.

And how to take advantage of it if it comes out green

If you still found it bland, don't ever get rid of it. A bland melon is the perfect substitute for cucumber in a gazpacho. You can also turn it into a cold melon soup. Make a jam together with kiwi. Or make a simple dessert by heating a few pieces of melon with a little sugar and lemon juice, and then serving it in glasses with a little ground cinnamon on top.

Another of the summer fruits par excellence is, without a doubt, watermelon . If you have been bland and you don't know what to do with it, take note of these expert tricks.